De Profundis
From a parish newsletter in the Diocese of Nottingham: demanding vaccination as a prerequisite for approaching the Eucharist. Scandalous, sinister, and unchristian
If 75% of the population is vaccinated then they aren't "at risk" from 25% who are not. "Do not remove your mask to sing". --and The Eucharist?
Hugh N. Cry
“Ignore and carry on” as the Brits like to say.
Ignoring it will get you thrown out, Hugh. Last year's Covid hysteria already demonstrated that.
Whoever wrote this Parish newsletter is not a Christian. The judgement that the only reason someone has rejected the "vaccines" is that they are selfish and couldn't be bothered is ridiculous. The author has clearly never heard of ethics or conscience. What a disgusting individual.
Chad jeremy roberts
the Diocese is not a man of god's word.