Francesco I

How the media are covering up for Pope Francis

If the head of any other organisation were guilty of such complicity, he or she would not only be forced to resign but could also end up in the dock It’s depressing to see the media – both Catholic …More
If the head of any other organisation were guilty of such complicity, he or she would not only be forced to resign but could also end up in the dock
It’s depressing to see the media – both Catholic and secular – shielding Pope Francis from the explosive allegation made by his own former nuncio to the United States, that he knowingly covered up for and revived the career of serial gay predator Cardinal Theodore McCarrick.
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, in testimony published on Saturday, says he personally told Francis in 2013 that McCarrick, retired Archbishop of Washington, had ‘corrupted generations of seminarians and priests’.
The Pope shrugged this off, says Viganò, and went on to lift canonical sanctions placed on McCarrick by Benedict XVI. McCarrick was his close ally – as was retired Cardinal Danneels of Belgium, who had concealed incestuous abuse by one of his bishops. Fully aware of this, Francis invited Danneels to a synod on the family – something that didn’t trouble the …More
The Cultural Marxist globalist MSM loves Pope Francis because he agrees with their agenda - yes! I might add open-borders and increasingly anti-Western cultural animus to the homosexual agenda, radical environmentalism, and global warming you mentioned however.
The left wing media adores Pope Francis because his primary concern and objective is similar to theirs, and that is global warming, the homosexual agenda, and plastic bag and bottle recycling. Not one mention of the salvation of souls.