De Profundis
Arrest and prosecution of Christian pastors for allegedly violating Coronavirus health measures in Chile

COVID-19 arrests for religious gatherings in Chile - Chile News

SANTIAGO – The ADF International has filed a request for emergency cautionary measures with the Inter American Commission on Human Rights …
Can't wait to see Jim Dorchak's take on this. o.O
Sorry to hear that, Jim. :( If it's any consolation to you, both the piety and the obedience to the bishop seem to be common among traditionalists. That can mean many things, depending on the diocese in question.
'In response to the question of how Christ would solve modern problems if He were on earth today, Chesterton responded with the incisive wisdom of a saint. “I must answer it plainly; and for those of my faith there is only one answer. Christ is on earth today; alive on a thousand altars and He does solve people’s problems exactly as He did when He was on earth in the more ordinary sense. That is,…More
'In response to the question of how Christ would solve modern problems if He were on earth today, Chesterton responded with the incisive wisdom of a saint. “I must answer it plainly; and for those of my faith there is only one answer. Christ is on earth today; alive on a thousand altars and He does solve people’s problems exactly as He did when He was on earth in the more ordinary sense. That is, He solves the problems of the limited number of people who choose of their own free will to listen to Him”.