
Vatican Had Doubts About Francis' Fernández

The new Prefect for the Dicastery for the Destruction of the Faith, Victor Fernández, owes his career to Cardinal Bergoglio. On December 15, 2009, Bergoglio appointed him rector of the Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina.

However, Fernández was not able to take the oath of office until May 20, 2011, after answering objections to his appointment raised by the Vatican, which expressed concerns about his orthodoxy (CatholicNewsAgency.com).

Among his unacceptable writings was his trash theology book Incarnated Spiritual Theology (2004), which is mentioned in Esperanza Mía, an Argentinian soap opera about a love affair between a priest and a nun.

Francis appointed Fernández as titular archbishop of Tiburnia on May 13, 2013, thus making him the first rector of the UCA to become an archbishop, probably to underline what a zero Fernández is.


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la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio turned the UCA into a den of sodomites to honor his corrupt accomplices.
⚑ Bergoglio covered up and protected the homosexual predator Juan Carlos Maccarone within the Catholic University of Argentina (UCA) (4christum.blogspot.com)
In 2004 UCA appointed Doctor Honoris Causa upon the anti-Catholic Hünermann, when Zecca was the rector and Bergoglio Grand Chancellor (4christum.blogspot.com)More
Bergoglio turned the UCA into a den of sodomites to honor his corrupt accomplices.

⚑ Bergoglio covered up and protected the homosexual predator Juan Carlos Maccarone within the Catholic University of Argentina (UCA) (4christum.blogspot.com)

In 2004 UCA appointed Doctor Honoris Causa upon the anti-Catholic Hünermann, when Zecca was the rector and Bergoglio Grand Chancellor (4christum.blogspot.com)

On October 11, 2012, Jorge Bergoglio awarded Rabbi Abraham Skorka – a well-known public defender of homosexuality – an honorary degree from the Catholic University, UCA. On December 14, 2012, a few months before his invalid election, he celebrated Hanukkah with Jews in Argentina, lighting a menorah. Council of Florence (XVII Ecumenical) No one, not even Jews, can be saved outside of the Church.
Hound of Heaven
I think the term 'A confederation of dunces' might be apt here.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I'm expectantly waiting to read one morning that Francis is in the hospital again. It's about time for another trip.
De Profundis
The appointment was rejected on several occasions by the Congregation for Catholic Education: Fernandez's theological views were unsure and his intellectual level unsuitable for the position. However, Bergoglio's insistence finally won the appointment.
Ursula Sankt
With the arrival of Tucho, it seems to me that the long march through the institutions is poised to take the last citadel, the CDF/DDF.