Gloria.TV News on the 22th of September 2014 A Liberal: On Saturday Pope Francis named 65-year-old Spokane Bishop Blase Cupich to be the next archbishop of Chicago. The liberal media call Cupich a “…More
Gloria.TV News on the 22th of September 2014
A Liberal: On Saturday Pope Francis named 65-year-old Spokane Bishop Blase Cupich to be the next archbishop of Chicago. The liberal media call Cupich a “moderate”, a term used to avoid the word “liberal”. Cupich replaces cancer-stricken Cardinal Francis George, 77, who announced his retirement two years ago. The appointment was cheered by the dissenting group Call to Action which advocates the ordination of women and acceptance of homosexuality.
Simplified procedure: On Saturday the Vatican announced that Pope Francis has ordered a review aimed at simplifying the Church’s procedures for annulments of marriages. Francis appointed an 11-member commission to propose reform of the process while –quote – “safeguarding the principle of the indissolubility of marriage". An annulment is a ruling that a marriage was not valid in the first place according to Church law because certain pre-requisites were lacking.
Cardinal Orani João Tempesta of Rio de …More
la verdad prevalece and 2 more users link to this post
When all the, top ranking German, military leaders were discussing what to do with the Jews, the top ambassador at this meeting was opposed to kill all Jews as the "fuhrer" told him directly to his face that they were safe, but there was the Gestapo top General telling him "And anytime you ask him (Hitler) he will say the same thing, they're safe"
So, who asked Kasper for this insane 'Mercy' it …More
When all the, top ranking German, military leaders were discussing what to do with the Jews, the top ambassador at this meeting was opposed to kill all Jews as the "fuhrer" told him directly to his face that they were safe, but there was the Gestapo top General telling him "And anytime you ask him (Hitler) he will say the same thing, they're safe"

So, who asked Kasper for this insane 'Mercy' it wasn't bugs bunny, who put Daneels, Ravasi, Nichols and all the rest where they are now, it wasn't daffy duck, why is Cardinal Burke being treated like the catholic version of Osama Bin Landen? Because saying the truth this days is only Luxury of the top, if the top says it is all good is fine while if someone else say something they are persecuted and silenced, why the persecution to orthodoxy? Why say the old structures are of no use, we need a change because the church ask us to change 'certain' things. Jesus was the same yesterday, today and tomorrow and I bet all my money that someone is going to wash their hands in this synod and it ain't Bugs bunny.
El 20 de September del 2014
Marco Tosatti ha escrito un artículo publicado en La Stampa en italiano titulada
Sinodo: come lo manovro…
El Sínodo sobre la Familia discutirá muchas cosas, pero los medios de comunicación, probablemente se centrará en una sola cosa, es decir, la posibilidad de que las personas que se casaron en la iglesia, divorciadas (sin el reconocimiento de la nulidad de la unión …More
El 20 de September del 2014
Marco Tosatti ha escrito un artículo publicado en La Stampa en italiano titulada
Sinodo: come lo manovro…

El Sínodo sobre la Familia discutirá muchas cosas, pero los medios de comunicación, probablemente se centrará en una sola cosa, es decir, la posibilidad de que las personas que se casaron en la iglesia, divorciadas (sin el reconocimiento de la nulidad de la unión anterior) y vueltas a casar puedan recibir la Comunión. Hay un plan para manipularlo...


El tema ha servido como distractor mientras ya el Caballo de Troya esta dentro de las paginas del Vaticano. En el INSTRUMENTUM LABORIS.


B. Acerca de las uniones entre personas del mismo sexo
Reconocimiento civil (110-112)
La evaluación de las Iglesias particulares (113-115)
Algunas indicaciones pastorales (116-119)
Transmisión de la fe a los niños en uniones de personas del mismo sexo (120)
Los obispos españoles que cursaron la visita ad limina a Roma este año, preguntaron al Papa Francisco sobre la situación de los fieles divorciados vueltos a casar: «al Papa mismo se lo preguntamos y él nos respondió que una persona casada por la Iglesia, que se haya divorciado y se haya vuelto a casar por lo civil, no puede acceder a los sacramentos. Dijo el Papa que ``esto lo estableció Jesucristo …More
Los obispos españoles que cursaron la visita ad limina a Roma este año, preguntaron al Papa Francisco sobre la situación de los fieles divorciados vueltos a casar: «al Papa mismo se lo preguntamos y él nos respondió que una persona casada por la Iglesia, que se haya divorciado y se haya vuelto a casar por lo civil, no puede acceder a los sacramentos. Dijo el Papa que ``esto lo estableció Jesucristo y el Papa no lo puede cambiar´´».
👍 🙏 🤗 El Papa dijo que no cambiará la doctrina sobre los divorciados vueltos a casar: Obispo de Córdoba
WOW! Looks like all the jackals are showing their ugly faces for this Synod coming up! 🤒 🤒 🤒 🤒 🤒 🤒 🤒 🤒 🤒 🤒 🤒 🤒 🤒 🤒 🤒 🤒
"But soon after the tribulation to same time, sun and moon will lose their shine, and the stars will fall from heaven, and becoming move the powers of the heavens. Then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in the sky, and all generations on earth will howl, and will see coming the Son of Man in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
And he will send his angels with bright trumpets, and …More
"But soon after the tribulation to same time, sun and moon will lose their shine, and the stars will fall from heaven, and becoming move the powers of the heavens. Then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in the sky, and all generations on earth will howl, and will see coming the Son of Man in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
And he will send his angels with bright trumpets, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.
At the fig tree learn a parable: when its branch is now juicy and win leaves, you know that summer is near. So even though you can see it all, so know that it is near the door.
Verily, I say unto you: this generation shall not pass away until that this all happens.
Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass!"
Matthew 24,29-35
Once again, a man has thrown himself from the top of the Cologne Cathedral... was he one of the many victims, who have him defiled or raped in his childhood? The day before, there was a devilish laughter at the Cologne Cathedral - it could be that it has brought the barrel to overflowing. The enemies of Jesus Christ are also our enemies. The church of Jesus Christ consists of all peoples, it is …More
Once again, a man has thrown himself from the top of the Cologne Cathedral... was he one of the many victims, who have him defiled or raped in his childhood? The day before, there was a devilish laughter at the Cologne Cathedral - it could be that it has brought the barrel to overflowing. The enemies of Jesus Christ are also our enemies. The church of Jesus Christ consists of all peoples, it is international, and no matter how Satan and his followers try to divide us – they can not separate us, because we are the grapes of the vine, which is Jesus Christ. We are not a visible unity, but we make a unity invisible, spiritual - unattainable for Satan and his followers. We need to pray more and do penance for the victims of the cruel war against the Christians, because the Europeans had slept and false Shepherds had mislead them. Even now they try everything to prevent the Christians from the prayers, penance and fasting. They want that they enjoy themselves and keep their consciousness to a low level, so that they move away from God.
Announced in Cologne: "New modern Church" Germany. On Saturday, Rainer Maria Woelki was installed... The Deputy green Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia, Sylvia Löhrmann, the word was given. Laidlaw is a member of the Central Committee of Catholics. At the inauguration, she praised Waiyan openness. This watch - quote: "to a new modern Catholic Church, as Pope Franziskus understands". The newspaper "World" could access an atmospheric change almost empty-handed at the inauguration. It had been unusually A lot laughed and clapped.

"And the Dragon which was angry with the woman, and went to make with the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus." Revelation 12,17 ...And they worshiped the Dragon which gave power to the animal, and worshiped the beast, saying: who is the beast, and who can get with him? 5 and there what is given him to talk about great things and Blasphemies a mouth, and ward him given that it lasted for forty-two months with him.
Revelation 13, 4,12,13
Immaculate heart
The Trojan horse of the Synod
b) Concerning Unions of Persons of the Same Sex
Civil Recognition (110-112)
An Evaluation of the Particular Churches (113-115)
Some Pastoral Guidelines (116-119)
The Transmission of the Faith to Children in Same Sex Unions (120)
The Trojan horse of the Synod

b) Concerning Unions of Persons of the Same Sex
Civil Recognition (110-112)
An Evaluation of the Particular Churches (113-115)
Some Pastoral Guidelines (116-119)
The Transmission of the Faith to Children in Same Sex Unions (120)

"Neutral", yeap... like the the moderate, right? Everything is about the kool aid right? We have to drink it and like it, no?
Michael Matt was saying the other day, 'this days nothing coming out of the Vatican is trusted by faithful catholics' now, who are the faithful catholics? The ones cheering or the ones weeping? Nobody seems to remember how the Franciscans of the immaculate are being maligned …More
"Neutral", yeap... like the the moderate, right? Everything is about the kool aid right? We have to drink it and like it, no?

Michael Matt was saying the other day, 'this days nothing coming out of the Vatican is trusted by faithful catholics' now, who are the faithful catholics? The ones cheering or the ones weeping? Nobody seems to remember how the Franciscans of the immaculate are being maligned and persecuted, but many did applaud the capuchins at

Boston's gay parade... Again, is all about the kool aid and many find it delicious while so few finds it poisonous. Martyrdom lies ahead.
They share on Facebook this article:
Francis names Spokane bishop to Chicago, dashing conservative hopes
They share on Facebook this article:

Francis names Spokane bishop to Chicago, dashing conservative hopes

Gay friendly agenda; this is what it's all about.
Also socialism
Call to action post in their Facebook page
Getting to know Blase Cupich.
"Cupich has been identified with the wing of the American bishops that’s tried to steer the church down a less confrontational path, and tends to place special emphasis on the social gospel, meaning concern for the poor and for social justice."
Also they cheer …
Gay friendly agenda; this is what it's all about.

Also socialism

Call to action post in their Facebook page
Getting to know Blase Cupich.
"Cupich has been identified with the wing of the American bishops that’s tried to steer the church down a less confrontational path, and tends to place special emphasis on the social gospel, meaning concern for the poor and for social justice."

Also they cheer Kasper.