
Vatican II’s refusal to Condemn Has Led to More Condemnations

John XXIII’s idea to “stop condemning” heresies, has led to all kinds of condemnations, canon lawyer Cyrille Dounot told HommeNouveau.fr (February 6).

• The scandals surrounding Jean Vanier, the founder of L’Arche, and his mentor Dominican Father Thomas Philippe, have not remained “secret.”

• Justice was done. In 1956, Philippe was forbidden to exercise any ministry because of his immorality und sex teachings.

• But things changed from 1964 when the bishops stopped condemning heresy and perversion.

• Those who disagreed were considered representatives of “the repression of the pre-conciliar period.”

• The Philippe case shows that Church justice worked well until Vatican II. But after that, any proper trial was considered as “archaic”, “conservative” and “legalistic”.

• John XXIII believed that condemning heresy was contrary to his "new spring" and “aggiornamento.

Picture: Jean Vanier, Thomas Philippe © wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsFtpiyxpkky

Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
John XXIII now considered St. John XXIII -- My late cat was more of a saint than him HAHAHAHAHAHA 😂 😂 😂 🤪 🤪 🤪