
More Decadence: German Church Tax Bishop Believes in "Women Bishops"

Mainz Bishop Peter Kohlgraf, Germany, wants an [invalid] ordination of women, he told Christ und Welt in a February 15 interview.

Turning to the anti-Catholic theologian Dorothea Sattler, who was present at the interview, he said he could also “well imagine” a "Bishop Sattler, if this were well regulated in the universal Church" - as if this were a matter of some additional "rules".

Sattler, who is leading a group at the German Synod on the phantom topic of "women in the ordained ministry", replied with unintentional humour: "I would of course have to examine myself and be examined as to whether I am called to be a bishop."

Kohlgraf makes up "arguments" in favour of women's ordination, such as the fact that Mary Magdalene was the first witness to the Resurrection, for which, however, she did not need to be ordained a priest.

As for the argument that Christ appointed twelve men as apostles, Kohlgraf waffled in an undifferentiated way that the development of the "early Christian movements" (sic) was "more differentiated". The facts: The [invalid] ordination of women was condemned by the young Church and practised only by heretical sects.

During his ad limina visit, Kohlgraf insisted that he would, of course, remain "Catholic" [although he has long before ceased to be so]. One [renegade] cardinal took him aside and said, "Go your way, do that."

The decline of the German Church is rapid. On Valentine's Day, Aachen Dicoese announced that it was already offering homosexual pseudo-blessings throughout the diocese. For this purpose, a picture of two kissing homosexuals and the slogan "Love [= mortal sin] is everything" was distributed.

Picture: Peter Kohlgraf © Olaf Kosinsky, wikipedia, CC BY-SA, #newsLhslriarel

He believes in women bishops but not in the Catholic faith
Louis IX
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori so in other words recognize that the great Apostasy has taken place. It may come to that. What will more likely happen is that the modernists will stop just short of approving the blessings but will come up with a ceremony that they will claim is not a blessing but is a ‘recognition’ of a civil union that is accompanying and pastoral in nature and will call anyone a hater and …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori so in other words recognize that the great Apostasy has taken place. It may come to that. What will more likely happen is that the modernists will stop just short of approving the blessings but will come up with a ceremony that they will claim is not a blessing but is a ‘recognition’ of a civil union that is accompanying and pastoral in nature and will call anyone a hater and disobedient to Rome that objects. As for female deacons, they will probably do something similar, …say they are not creating female clergy but a new role somewhere between the lay state and the priesthood. Next thing you know by Advent female lectors will be dressed as priestesses and some will give “special talks” in lieu of sermons in modernist parishes.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@Louis IX -I certainly hope not. I hope the good Cardinals and bishops stand up, and mount such opposition that none of this happens. If it does, it's time for the faithful Catholics to build, develope, a "substitute" Rome, Vatican, Roman Curia, and even a substitute Pope, who will reign over Faithful and traditional Catholics. Sounds like Schism? Maybe. But only idiots would do nothing because it's …More
@Louis IX -I certainly hope not. I hope the good Cardinals and bishops stand up, and mount such opposition that none of this happens. If it does, it's time for the faithful Catholics to build, develope, a "substitute" Rome, Vatican, Roman Curia, and even a substitute Pope, who will reign over Faithful and traditional Catholics. Sounds like Schism? Maybe. But only idiots would do nothing because it's been hammered into their heads that "we can't go against the Pope, the Successor of Peter, the Vicar of Christ!!"
Well, he's already renounced the last two, and all he claims is "Bishop of Rome".
Faithful Catholics should build, literally, a copy of Rome, St.Peter's, Vatican, and have a substitute "Pope" until TRUE Rome and Papacy returns to tradition. Only idiots would sit and bemoan what is happening to the Church, but do nothing.
(I don't mean yoursle,f of course.....I mean Catholics like Cardinal Burke etc., who are too afraid to stand up and renounce the actions of his "Holy Father".
No Pope ever deserved thetitle "Holy Father" less than Jorge Mario Bergoglio/aka Pope Francis.
Credo .
@ Kenjiro M. Yoshimori. The use of a public forum, which GTV is designed primarily for the exchange of ideas freely between like minded peoples. Thus to 'advise' me or any other contributor that I should 'MYOB' Mind my own business! I suspect that you are aware of that fact, but finding no valid contary arguement you are left with a pithyfull retort.
You and I and every other contributor to GTV, …More
@ Kenjiro M. Yoshimori. The use of a public forum, which GTV is designed primarily for the exchange of ideas freely between like minded peoples. Thus to 'advise' me or any other contributor that I should 'MYOB' Mind my own business! I suspect that you are aware of that fact, but finding no valid contary arguement you are left with a pithyfull retort.

You and I and every other contributor to GTV, have a right to respect some level of Catholic decorum which take on board the sensibilities of others, especially those of the opposite sex. More importantly is the primacy of caring for each others souls. The conflict between St. Peter and St. Paul is a classic illustration of that primacy. As Christ Himself taught, "Love one another as I have loved you". How easy we forget that Commandment; by stating so, I mean 'all of us'. That being said I would re-itterate that my original contention of critisism aimed at the language you use to express your frustration and anger at Pope Francis is readily understandable.

I too am not a fan of his, and at times I feel "A smack in the mouth might do him some good", yet I know intellectually that such a reaction is neither appropiate or wise to contemplate; for in the final analyses we are in a spiritual war; { St. Leo X111 following his famous vision.} - The 100 years are up, so what we are now witnessing is a last ditch effort by satan to bring down the Church".

Given that it is a spiritual war, it requires all Catholics to pull together and follow 'The Peace Plan of Our Lady of Fatima'! In the second part of the secret, Our Lady fortold the Triumph of Her Immaculate Heart, which will take place after the chastisement by which God will punish the world for it's crimes. In this document Sister Lucia refers to a "more complete return" of the world to God. All this fits in admirably with the reign of Mary prophesied by Saint. Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort in his renowned Treatise on the True Devotion to The Blessed Virgin and in his "Fiery Prayer" asking for the apostles of the last times. According to the saint, Our Lady will occupy a central roll in the life of both the religious and the temporal societies in the reign of Mary, exercising a special dominion over souls. A splendid re-flowering of Holy Church and Christian Civilisation will thus take place. The message of Fatima is a magnificent promise of the fulfillment of this prophetic vision in our days. 'Our Lady of Fatima, Prophecies of Tragedy or Hope? Antonio A. Borelli, page 76, sentence 6.

Cardinal Sodano stated in "Fatima in Lucia's own words" "The exhortation to prayer as the path of 'Salvation for souls', and likewise, the summons to penance and conversion. The Heart open to God, purified by contemplation of God, is stronger than guns and weapons of every kind. Faith and prayer are forces which can influence history, and that prayer is more powerful than bullets and faith more powerful than armies".
- Saint Michael The Archangel Guide and Protect us! 🙏🙏🙏
J G Tasan
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Evil face Pope Frank 😬
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
If we had a true Catholic Pope, none of this would even have happened in the first place. But we don't. We have a heretic and apostate in the person of Bergoglio/aka Pope Francis/aka Pachamamma Papa. He and his army of shadowy Vatican homosexuals are silent, and approve of everything, especially of what is going on in Aachen. Don't be surprised if this "Synod" in October allows for blessings of …More
If we had a true Catholic Pope, none of this would even have happened in the first place. But we don't. We have a heretic and apostate in the person of Bergoglio/aka Pope Francis/aka Pachamamma Papa. He and his army of shadowy Vatican homosexuals are silent, and approve of everything, especially of what is going on in Aachen. Don't be surprised if this "Synod" in October allows for blessings of homos......whereupon faithful Catholics, Cardinals, Bishops etc. should stand up and start a brand new "faithful to tradition" Catholic Church, building a substitute Rome, Vatican, Curia etc. and encouraging the founding of traditionalist branches of the corrupt and dying Vatican II religious Orders, and establishing their own new traditional dioceses in Germany and elsewhere while the ancient original ones like aachen, etc. can mercifully just die out.
paul arten
There are woman priests, they are called Protestants