
Next Week: Cardinal Zen Faces Court

Hong Kong Cardinal Joseph Zen, 90, will appear in court on May 24, a source close to him told the anti-Church TheGuardian.com (May 16).

Zen was arrested and released on bail on May 12. His alleged crime is connected to the origin of money belonging to a now dissolved fund whose trustee he was. The fund was helping dissidents in their legal defence.

In his first public appearance since the arrest during a May 15 live stream for the Society of Saint Francis de Sales, Zen spoke about his upbringing and how he became a bishop. He didn’t touch upon his arrest. He encouraged young faithful to stay true to their calling.

May 24 is the World Day of Prayer for the Church in China and the Feast of Mary Help of Christians – in China, celebrated as Our Mother of Sheshan.

Picture: Joseph Zen, 2019 © Etan Liam, CC BY-ND, #newsQwwjdvojdl

We zullen voor Mgr. Zen bidden.
Your original comment said nothing about betraying Cdl. Zen @Jimmy akaSkylar Breeze You accused Pope Francis of being "judas" for money and claimed "none of this would have happened" otherwise. China has always persecuted Catholics, "Bergoglio" or not. Off you go, Jimbo. :D
"You are a sad human being." Cool story, turkey. In your case, make that a "Butterball" :D
"but because he stands against Bergoglio and his anti-church, of which you are a part."
There's only ONE Catholic Church, of which you are NOT a part.More
"You are a sad human being." Cool story, turkey. In your case, make that a "Butterball" :D

"but because he stands against Bergoglio and his anti-church, of which you are a part."

There's only ONE Catholic Church, of which you are NOT a part.
Narvel Baldach
His original comment is at the bottom of the page- "None of this would've happened without Judas Bergoglio and his 2 billion pieces of silver from China."
Just Joined 20 Minutes Ago from Ohio. Summertime GTV. :D
Up next, "Zapp Rowsdowner" and "Dante" show up to defend "Narvel" and "Skylar". All because GTV won't appoint a regular moderator to remove one fat emotional cripple in Ohio. :D
One more comment from Ultraviolet
I wonder if he'll call me some more names when he does it? ;-)
You didn't answer my question, @Jimmy akaSkylar Breeze Were Chinese Catholics persecuted under BXVI? If they were, your claim fails.
The only "facts" around here is you keep starting sock-puppet accounts because you keep getting banned for running your big mouth.
"and your half-assed participation in the TLM"
...as opposed to the mockery you make of the Catholic Faith when you waddle into whatever …More
You didn't answer my question, @Jimmy akaSkylar Breeze Were Chinese Catholics persecuted under BXVI? If they were, your claim fails.

The only "facts" around here is you keep starting sock-puppet accounts because you keep getting banned for running your big mouth.

"and your half-assed participation in the TLM"

...as opposed to the mockery you make of the Catholic Faith when you waddle into whatever Novus Ordo circus you go to on Saturday afternoons? That's assuming you even DO go. I have my doubts. :D
One more comment from Ultraviolet
@Skylar Breeze ...because China wasn't persecuting Catholics under Benedict XVI, right? Fresh account, very stale content.