
Where the Leader Of The Free World, Vladimir Putin, Is Seen Favourably

Only 31% around the world see Russia as a major threat, compared to 35% who see the U.S. as a large threat according to pweglobal.org. A very favourable opinion of Russia is found in Vietnam (83%), …More
Only 31% around the world see Russia as a major threat, compared to 35% who see the U.S. as a large threat according to pweglobal.org. A very favourable opinion of Russia is found in Vietnam (83%), Greece (64%) and the Philippines (55%). Russia is more favoured among young people, especially in Japan, Brazil, Australia, South Korea, U.S., United Kingdom, Spain.
In poor Africa, the confidence in Putin is the highest (35%). In Greece, Lebanon, Vietnam, Germany, South Korea, Argentina, Hungary, Brazil, France, Japan and Italy, Putin has a higher confidence rate than Trump. However, Trump's confidence rate in Russia is very high: 53%.
Putin scores high among those critical of leftwing, pro-death, pro-gay, anti-family and immigration ideologies. Therefore in the U.S. 13% of Democrats express confidence in Putin compared to 34% of the Republicans. 61% of the Democrats see Russia as a "thread" as opposed to 36% of the Republicans. 16% of the Democrats have a favorable view of Russia, compared …More
@Jim Dorchak: Putin’s approval rating at 83 percent in August