Opera 369
...... 😱 must listen!
Sorry, we can't read this - it's all too hard to follow with this fellow not saying anything, and showing us lists of words we can't read.
Opera 369
@giveusthisday I agree that it is very difficult to follow; because they are trying not to be "cancelled by you tube" by what the guy is reporting. The main message I think is this: the last 3 years and even today, had been 'planned' by the defense dept., and Mr. T. so that the world would be 'reset' (even before 2030). He tells us he found out everything by accessing the us gov. website : go into …More
@giveusthisday I agree that it is very difficult to follow; because they are trying not to be "cancelled by you tube" by what the guy is reporting. The main message I think is this: the last 3 years and even today, had been 'planned' by the defense dept., and Mr. T. so that the world would be 'reset' (even before 2030). He tells us he found out everything by accessing the us gov. website : go into the 'dept of defense' and the script is all there, for anyone to read. According to the guy, the future does not look as grim as we see it, especially money/cbcd wise...... He seems quite optimistic infact.
Thank you so much for this enlightening comment! God bless you.