Opera 369
This article will not be easily 'digested' especially by those that, sick of the white papier-mache, anti-Church tenant in the Vatican, have turned to the SSPX ...for solace. But, better to know more than to be ..manipulated by lies, anybody's lies.

SSPX ministry of priests is illegitimate, here’s why

Benedict XVI had made it clear: without doctrinal clarification there is no canonical status for the Fraternity and no ministerial legitimacy. The …
Opera 369 again "clever" use of pope Benedict XVI to polarize Catholics and undermine unity to continue the "anti-Church tenancy in the Vatican"...
Why you being so fearful of potential "New Catholic Church" that could return a pope to his empty apartments ?
legitimate authorities? St Paul warned about wolves coming in destroying the flock teaching false Christ and false doctrine .Oath against modernism was instituted by St Pius X .Who today keeping that oath? Did JPII and BVI or Archbishop Marcel François Marie Joseph Lefebvre. Just because Pope Paul VI stop using the oath they still made it prior to it being discontinued. Breaking the oath they …More
legitimate authorities? St Paul warned about wolves coming in destroying the flock teaching false Christ and false doctrine .Oath against modernism was instituted by St Pius X .Who today keeping that oath? Did JPII and BVI or Archbishop Marcel François Marie Joseph Lefebvre. Just because Pope Paul VI stop using the oath they still made it prior to it being discontinued. Breaking the oath they cease to be Roman Catholic. 🤔
Schism or no schism there is plenty of useful idiots in this forum.
These idiots want us to believe that real schismatics are "sister Churches" (as Wojtylian propaganda impietatis held it e.g. in Slavorum Apostoli) and Catholics keeping the traditional Holy Roman Church Rite are "schismatics" (as Wojtylian propaganda held it in Ecclesia Dei).