
Disgusting Catholics

A large majority of Catholics in Britain supports legalized abortion, according to the 2016 British Social Attitudes survey. The level of approval is at 61%, only slightly lower than among those with no religion (70%). The blog Creative Minority Report comments, "Disgusting".

That's normal. Here is the process: first of all, the majority is against it; the law is passed to parliament; little by little the force of the law is so great that, after a generation, the majority is in favour. Vatican II knew it well and so did Francis; that's why they launched their processes... Machiavellian!!
Most Catholics support abortion because of the utter lack of leadership in the hierarchy . Their ignorance of the faith is profound and the pastors are responsible. Woe to the pastors! Are you listening , Francis?
Our Lady of Sorrows
Deny a single dogma of the Faith or moral precept, and we automatically place ourselves outside the Church. So the “I’m a Catholic but I don’t agree with this or that teaching” brigade, are Catholics in name only. Unfortunately this attitude applies to the majority of so called "Catholics" today. This is why they like to label authentic "Catholics" "Traditionalists" while falsely believing they …More
Deny a single dogma of the Faith or moral precept, and we automatically place ourselves outside the Church. So the “I’m a Catholic but I don’t agree with this or that teaching” brigade, are Catholics in name only. Unfortunately this attitude applies to the majority of so called "Catholics" today. This is why they like to label authentic "Catholics" "Traditionalists" while falsely believing they themselves are still "Catholic". Murder is Murder however you dress it up!