Li Yi, 56, was arrested twice for sharing the gospel some years ago, and she was interrogated and tortured to make her divulge information. “Three police officers pressed my face to the ground, while a fourth one was viciously hitting my back and legs with a 50-centimeter long stick, thick as a rolling pin,” the woman remembered. “This lasted for at least three hours until my entire body became …Więcej
Li Yi, 56, was arrested twice for sharing the gospel some years ago, and she was interrogated and tortured to make her divulge information. “Three police officers pressed my face to the ground, while a fourth one was viciously hitting my back and legs with a 50-centimeter long stick, thick as a rolling pin,” the woman remembered. “This lasted for at least three hours until my entire body became black and blue. The officers did not stop until they became tired, and I lost consciousness.”
Li Yi, 56, was arrested twice for sharing the gospel some years ago, and she was interrogated and tortured to make her divulge information. “Three police officers pressed my face to the ground, while a fourth one was viciously hitting my back and legs with a 50-centimeter long stick, thick as a rolling pin,” the woman remembered. “This lasted for at least three hours until my entire body became …Więcej
Li Yi, 56, was arrested twice for sharing the gospel some years ago, and she was interrogated and tortured to make her divulge information. “Three police officers pressed my face to the ground, while a fourth one was viciously hitting my back and legs with a 50-centimeter long stick, thick as a rolling pin,” the woman remembered. “This lasted for at least three hours until my entire body became black and blue. The officers did not stop until they became tired, and I lost consciousness.”
Jeszcze jeden komentarz od piotr2019
Kościół Boga Wszechmogącego doswiadcza cierpień ze strony komunistycznej partii Chin, W pierwszej połowie 2020 ponad tysiac osob, nalezacych do kosciola aresztowano. W prowincji Dziangsu
miedzi styczniem a pazdziernikiem aresztowano 388. Wielu bylo torturowanych w czasie przesluchan: nie zezwalanie na sen, sprejowanie woda z czili, podwieszanie ludzi do sufitu lub wysokich fragmentow drzwi na …Więcej
Kościół Boga Wszechmogącego doswiadcza cierpień ze strony komunistycznej partii Chin, W pierwszej połowie 2020 ponad tysiac osob, nalezacych do kosciola aresztowano. W prowincji Dziangsu

miedzi styczniem a pazdziernikiem aresztowano 388. Wielu bylo torturowanych w czasie przesluchan: nie zezwalanie na sen, sprejowanie woda z czili, podwieszanie ludzi do sufitu lub wysokich fragmentow drzwi na lancuchach, to tylko niektore metody tortur...
The Church of Almighty God is suffering increasingly severe crackdowns at the hand of the CCP. During the first half of 2020, over one thousand CAG members were arrested. In Jiangsu Province, 388 CAG members were arrested from January to October. Many detained believers are tortured during interrogation. Sleep deprivation, chili water spray, and suspending people as their hands are handcuffed to the ceiling or a door frame are among many techniques employed by the CCP to torture people of faith.
wiadomosci z Chin:
Terror kwitnie> Wielu aresztowanych, wielu torturowanych, wielu zasadzonych na dlugoletnie wiezienie, wielu zasadzonych na niebotyczne kary finansowe...bitterwinter.org/…ed-or-trashed-printers-jailed/
26 people given hefty sentences for printing Good News Mission books. On July 7, the People’s Court of Huai’an city’s Huaiyin district in the eastern province of Jiangsu gave hefty …Więcej
wiadomosci z Chin:
Terror kwitnie> Wielu aresztowanych, wielu torturowanych, wielu zasadzonych na dlugoletnie wiezienie, wielu zasadzonych na niebotyczne kary finansowe...bitterwinter.org/…ed-or-trashed-printers-jailed/
26 people given hefty sentences for printing Good News Mission books. On July 7, the People’s Court of Huai’an city’s Huaiyin district in the eastern province of Jiangsu gave hefty sentences to Xian Renguo, director of the Secretarial Department of the South Korean Good New Mission, and other 25 people on the charge of “illegal business operations.”
Xian Renguo was sentenced to three years and ten months in prison, and fined 20,000 RMB (about $ 3,000). Two other Mission members in charge of books were sentenced to three years and six months in prison, and were given fines. Several printing house managers were sentenced to three years of imprisonment, with a probation period ranging from three to five years. Most of them were fined 100,000 RMB (about $ 15,000) or more. Many others who participated in the translation, compilation, and printing of books were given prison sentences ranging from six months to two years. These people who received sentences involved 13 provinces of China.
The court also gave fines ranging from 30,000 (about $ 4,500) to 110,000 RMB (about $ 16,500) to the Changlü Paper Product Co. Ltd. in Yiwu city in the eastern province of Zhejiang, the Tianhong Color Printing Co. Ltd. in Guangzhou city in the southern province of Guangdong, and three other involved printing houses.
According to our sources, the Good News Mission established the Secretarial Department in Guangzhou city in 2009, whose major task was to compile and publish “Looking Up” (仰望), “Colorful Dreams” (七彩夢), and other religious publications. These two books mainly include testimonies on the experiences of Mission members, and are intended for internal circulation within the Mission. Nearly all of these 26 people were sentenced for participating in the compiling and printing of these two books.
Sentenced for photocopying religious materials
A warning notice posted on the wall of a printing shop reads “a ban on printing religious-related printing materials without confirming clients’ legal certificates” (i.e., printing permits).
A printing shop owner in the southwestern province of Guizhou was detained by the police in September for 37 days on “suspicion of illegal business operation” for photocopying the Quran, and was later released on bail.
A house church preacher in Fushun city in the northeastern province of Liaoning was arrested in December last year for transporting religious books, and is still held in a detention house now.
In November 2019, a house church member was sentenced to ten months in prison on the charge of “illegal business operation” for printing children’s Christian books used within the church, and the involved printing house manager was also sentenced to ten months in prison.
Sentenced to 12 years in prison for printing books of The Church of Almighty God
Printing books of banned religious groups results in even more severe penalties. On December 10, 2014, Dong Qihong, Zhou Xiangyun, and Hu Weijun, who were members of The Church of Almighty God (CAG), were sentenced by the People’s Court of Dafeng city in the eastern province of Jiangsu to imprisonment of 12 years, ten years, and nine years respectively. Eight other arrested CAG members, who printed and transported CAG books together with them, were given prison sentences ranging from three years and three months to eight years.
It was reported to Bitter Winter that Dong Qihong and other CAG members were subjected to extremely brutal torture during detention.
In May 2008, two CAG members from the central province of Henan were sentenced to imprisonment of 11 years and nine years respectively for participating in printing CAG books, and two printing house managers were sentenced to imprisonment of five years and four years respectively and were both fined. Another CAG member was sentenced to imprisonment of seven years merely for safekeeping CAG books. (continue...) under the link above
A ja odpowiem zadając pytania: 1/ czy pamiętacie, o co prosiła Matka Boża w Fatimie?, 2/ czy prośby MB zostały spełnione?, 3/ jak Anioł z Fatimski uczył dzieci modlitwy (w jakiej pozie)? Gdyby papieże wykonali prośbę Matki Bożej nie byłoby SWII - tej destrukcji Kościoła i Wiary. To, co dzieje się obecnie na świecie i w Polsce to dopiero początek kar. Dla naszych dzieci i wnuków nadchodzą naprawdę …Więcej
A ja odpowiem zadając pytania: 1/ czy pamiętacie, o co prosiła Matka Boża w Fatimie?, 2/ czy prośby MB zostały spełnione?, 3/ jak Anioł z Fatimski uczył dzieci modlitwy (w jakiej pozie)? Gdyby papieże wykonali prośbę Matki Bożej nie byłoby SWII - tej destrukcji Kościoła i Wiary. To, co dzieje się obecnie na świecie i w Polsce to dopiero początek kar. Dla naszych dzieci i wnuków nadchodzą naprawdę straszne czasy.
To już chyba trzecia osoba z ruchu antypandemicznego która zachorowała... Chyba czas zrewidować poglądy...
ktoz jak Bog1
Juz wkrotce bedzie TO w Polsce. To, czego doswiadczaja nasi Bracia w Chinach: T E R R O R ! i Otwarta wojna z BOGIEM i Kosciolem swietym ! Polskie wladze "serdecznie wspolpracuja " chinskim systemem terroru i ucza sie...
Masoni PO-PISOWscy ida reka w reke z internacjonałem...
Dranstwo naszych WLADZ panstwowych polega na serdecznej "wspolpracy" z systemem TERRORU w Chinach/areszty, wiezienia, obozy koncentracyjne, obozy pracy, placowki "resocjalizacyjne", bicie, tortury, obciazanie niepokornych karami finansowymi itd/. Od, zdaje sie 3-4 lat, a wiec juz pod PISowska lapa, trwaja serdeczne spotkania, wymiana "doswiadczen", wymiana uzbrojenia miedzy urzedami bezpieczenstwa …Więcej
Dranstwo naszych WLADZ panstwowych polega na serdecznej "wspolpracy" z systemem TERRORU w Chinach/areszty, wiezienia, obozy koncentracyjne, obozy pracy, placowki "resocjalizacyjne", bicie, tortury, obciazanie niepokornych karami finansowymi itd/. Od, zdaje sie 3-4 lat, a wiec juz pod PISowska lapa, trwaja serdeczne spotkania, wymiana "doswiadczen", wymiana uzbrojenia miedzy urzedami bezpieczenstwa /terroru/ itd.

Placz nad przesladowanymi -TAK. Modlitwa nad przesladowanymi i mordowanymi - TAK.
Ale tez i akt milosci na jaki mnie, chrzescijanina stac...
Chiny komunistyczne sa narzedziem szatana. Tak je trzeba postrzegac, jako czerwonego /kolor krwi przelanej za wiare/ SMOKA.
Jest niesamowite, ze w kazdym zakatku swiata, za plecami przesladowcow pojawiaja sie ZYDZI ! Biada temu narodowi, ktory na placu przed twierdza Pilata krzyczal: Krew Jezusa na nas i na nasze syny"...Jest prawda, ze sam Jezus urodzil sie i wychowal w rodzinie zydowskiej, ze pierwszy Kosciol powstal z zydowskich apostolow, ale narod, jako spolecznosc, wzial odpowiedzialnosc za Jezusa meczenstwo i …Więcej
Jest niesamowite, ze w kazdym zakatku swiata, za plecami przesladowcow pojawiaja sie ZYDZI ! Biada temu narodowi, ktory na placu przed twierdza Pilata krzyczal: Krew Jezusa na nas i na nasze syny"...Jest prawda, ze sam Jezus urodzil sie i wychowal w rodzinie zydowskiej, ze pierwszy Kosciol powstal z zydowskich apostolow, ale narod, jako spolecznosc, wzial odpowiedzialnosc za Jezusa meczenstwo i smierc...i tego nie jest w stanie zmienic zadna pokretna interpretacja...
Chiny przedstawiane sa w glownych mediach, jako panstwo pokonujace kolejne progi na drodze do szczescia swego narodu. Nic bardziej FALSZYWEGO.Komunistyczni lajdacy maja wsparcie zydowskich mocodawcow /Rockefeller, Rothschild/.
Chiny przedstawiane sa w glownych mediach, jako panstwo pokonujace kolejne progi na drodze do szczescia swego narodu. Nic bardziej FALSZYWEGO.Komunistyczni lajdacy maja wsparcie zydowskich mocodawcow /Rockefeller, Rothschild/.

Myslimy sobie, ze nas to nie dotknie... "jesli nalezysz do Chrystusa, musisz wziac na swoje ramiona tez Jego krzyz"...
ktoz jak Bog1
To przyjdzie i na Polske. masonskie wladze "polskie" szykuja sie do skoku na Kosciol Chrystusowy...
Modlmy sie za naszych Braci i Siostry w Chinach, kraju CZERWONEJ BESTII :
Krwawe przesladowanie w Chinach: youtube.com/watch?v=Tf_fcZ4U29A