Gloria.TV News on the 19th of February 2015 Flattering: Today L’Osservatore Romano published a part of a new book of pro-gay German Cardinal Walter Kasper. Its title: “Pope Francis, the revolution of …More
Gloria.TV News on the 19th of February 2015

Flattering: Today L’Osservatore Romano published a part of a new book of pro-gay German Cardinal Walter Kasper. Its title: “Pope Francis, the revolution of tenderness and love”. In it, Kasper tries hard to polish the apple. He even compares the Pope with the famous German philosopher and lapsed Catholic Martin Heidegger who during Second World War was a convinced Nazi.

Not Wired That Way: Bishop Emmanuel Badejo of Oyo, Nigeria, has said to Aleteia, that the U.S. have made clear through then Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, that it will not help Nigeria fight the Boko Haram terror group unless the country modify its laws regarding homosexuality, family planning and birth-control. The bishop added: “If the West cherishes freedom for gays and homosexual unions and abortion and contraception, suppose Africans are not wired that way.”

VIP Gays: The Vatican has for the first time given a group of dissenting U.S. homosexuals of the New Ways Ministry VIP seats at the Pope’s Wednesday audience. They were invited to sit up front by Monsignor Gänswein who is in charge of the tickets. In 1999 the Vatican prohibited the New Ways Ministry co-founders, Sister Jeannine Gramick, and Fr Robert Nugent, from ministering to gays because they refused church teaching on the intrinsic evil of homosexual acts. Nugent abided by the directive and died last year. Gramick continued her ministry and was on hand for yesterday’s audience. Under the previous two popes New Ways had tried unsuccessfully to get VIP seats. This time, the Nuncio in Washington and the archbishop of San Francisco supported the request.

Look in the Mirror: Catholic League’s Bill Donohue has pointed out that the most religious and conservative states in the US are also the most generous, as measured by charitable giving and voluntarism, while the most liberal states are the least generous ones. Nevertheless liberal elites like to stereotype religious conservatives and lacking in compassion, when, in fact, they are precisely the people who are the most charitable. Quote: “If the liberal elites wanted to identify the most uncaring among us, all they need do is look in the mirror.”
la verdad prevalece
VIP Gays: The Vatican has for the first time given a group of dissenting U.S. homosexuals of the New Ways Ministry VIP seats at the Pope’s Wednesday audience. They were invited to sit up front by Monsignor Gänswein who is in charge of the tickets. In 1999 the Vatican prohibited the New Ways Ministry co-founders, Sister Jeannine Gramick, and Fr Robert Nugent, from ministering to gays because they …More
VIP Gays: The Vatican has for the first time given a group of dissenting U.S. homosexuals of the New Ways Ministry VIP seats at the Pope’s Wednesday audience. They were invited to sit up front by Monsignor Gänswein who is in charge of the tickets. In 1999 the Vatican prohibited the New Ways Ministry co-founders, Sister Jeannine Gramick, and Fr Robert Nugent, from ministering to gays because they refused church teaching on the intrinsic evil of homosexual acts. Nugent abided by the directive and died last year. Gramick continued her ministry and was on hand for yesterday’s audience. Under the previous two popes New Ways had tried unsuccessfully to get VIP seats. This time, the Nuncio in Washington and the archbishop of San Francisco supported the request.
la verdad prevalece
Church Militant
Gramick was formally censured by the Vatican in 1999 and ordered to stop ministering to homosexuals because she was promoting views contrary to Church teaching. She defied the order and continues her dissent to this day with her group New Ways Ministry, which has a long history of defiance toward the Church:
Cdl. James Hickey of Washington, D.C. kicked out the organization from his …More
Church Militant

Gramick was formally censured by the Vatican in 1999 and ordered to stop ministering to homosexuals because she was promoting views contrary to Church teaching. She defied the order and continues her dissent to this day with her group New Ways Ministry, which has a long history of defiance toward the Church:

Cdl. James Hickey of Washington, D.C. kicked out the organization from his archdiocese in 1984 for refusing to comply with Church teaching
The Vatican's Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life ordered founders Sr. Jeanine Gramick and Fr. Robert Nugent to "separate themselves totally and completely from New Ways Ministry," forbidding them from exercising "any apostolate without faithfully presenting the Church's teaching regarding the intrinsic evil of homosexual acts" — an order Gramick and Nugent defied
In 1988, the Holy See established a commission under Detroit's Cdl. Adam Maida to investigate New Ways Ministry, which recommended disciplinary measures for Gramick and Nugent for their defiance of Church teaching
The Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith took over the investigation in 1995, issuing a declaration that the teachings presented by New Ways Ministry were "erroneous and dangerous"
The CDF issued a formal declaration in 1999, approved by Pope St. John Paul II, that the founders' positions on homosexuality "are doctrinally unacceptable because they do not faithfully convey the clear and constant teaching of the Catholic Church in this area"
The CDF concluded: "For these reasons, Sister Jeannine Gramick, SSND, and Father Robert Nugent, SDS, are permanently prohibited from any pastoral work involving homosexual persons and are ineligible, for an undetermined period, for any office in their respective religious institutes"
Fiel al Evangelio
“Team Bergoglio” member announces Synod will accept Homo “Marriage” fromrome.wordpress.com/…/team-bergoglio-…
“Team Bergoglio” member announces Synod will accept Homo “Marriage” fromrome.wordpress.com/…/team-bergoglio-…

adeste fideles
Who am I to judge? Watch : Cuida a Los Niños vs. los Pederastas
Enzo de la Virgen and one more user link to this post
la verdad prevalece
VIP Gays: Contrast that to the Franciscans of the Immaculate under Francis rorate-caeli.blogspot.com/…/the-franciscans…
Vatican offers olive branch to the heretic U.S. nuns
VIP Gays:
NARAL-Pro-Choice America, the flagship of the pro-abortion movement, placed a thank you note on its Facebook account:
“Dear Pope Francis, Thank you. Signed, Pro-Choice women everywhere. NARAL Pro-choice America.”
For her part, Mrs. Carmen Barroso,regional director of International Planned Parenthood Federation, Western Hemisphere Region, wrote this letter …More
VIP Gays:


NARAL-Pro-Choice America, the flagship of the pro-abortion movement, placed a thank you note on its Facebook account:

“Dear Pope Francis, Thank you. Signed, Pro-Choice women everywhere. NARAL Pro-choice America.”

For her part, Mrs. Carmen Barroso,regional director of International Planned Parenthood Federation, Western Hemisphere Region, wrote this letter to the editor,published in the Sept. 21 edition of the New York Times:
“We welcome Pope Francis’s desire to find ‘a new balance’ within the Catholic Church and ensure that it is truly a ‘home for all.’

“The recognition that the church is out of step with modern times could not come at a better moment: with world leaders set to discuss at the United Nations the framework for the next global development agenda, the health and rights of women and young people must be prioritized. That means ensuring access to comprehensive sexuality education, contraception and safe abortion services— necessities that the Vatican has vehemently opposed.

“We hope that this is one step forward in making violations of reproductive and sexual rights a thing of the past.”

In an interview with MSNBC, Sister Jeannine Gramick, co-founder of the New Ways Ministry, an organization opposed to Catholic doctrine in relation to homosexual practice, said she cried for joy as she read the Pope’s interview.

Likewise, Marianne T. Duddy-Burke (“married” to a former nun) Executive Director of the “Catholic” homosexual movement DignityUSA, published this note: “LGBT Catholics and allies will rejoice in the Pope’s call for Church leaders to focus on being pastors rather than rule enforcers. We hope that the bishops will heed this call and immediately end their anti-LGBT campaigns, the firings of church workers for who they are, the attacks on people who challenge or question official teachings, and the exclusive and judgmental rhetoric that comes too often from our pulpits.” And, she continued: “The Pope is unambiguous. Leave the bully pulpit, and accompany your people
Leonard Wessell
It has been official American foreign policy (I think it may have started with Nixon, not sure) that no financial aid will be extended, no matter what, until the homosexual moment plus contracdption and abortion are accepted and enacted. This was recently don to the Philippines, the first Obama ambassador being and open gay who promoted "gayness" there. Even after a hugh storm destroy much of Haiti …More
It has been official American foreign policy (I think it may have started with Nixon, not sure) that no financial aid will be extended, no matter what, until the homosexual moment plus contracdption and abortion are accepted and enacted. This was recently don to the Philippines, the first Obama ambassador being and open gay who promoted "gayness" there. Even after a hugh storm destroy much of Haiti, the US refused aid until ... yes, you know what. That the Obama-US has upped the stakes to refusing military (direct or indirect) aid against an exspansive "radical Islamism" is new to me. (What the heck, Obama will not even connect the word terrorism (which he has only just began to use) with Islam(ic). He expressively had denied any connection between Islam and terror. Even bin Laden was not a "true" Muslim as Islam is a "religion of peace". There is more, much more. Obama gives te impression that he is pro-Islamic (and I mean the radical type too).

Oh, there is one more "more" to mention. I ask, no beg the readers of these words to look up the 2 hour+ documentary called Maafa 21, a documentary that show the evolution of the massive effort to genocide American Blacks out of existence. The begins with eugenics movement in the early 1900s, particularly under Margret Sanger and has its current "elimination" machine in Planned Parenthood (heavily financed by the US and city governmens were mostly Black women abort (70%+ of all Black pregnancies are now aborted or in 2013 more Black babies were aborted in New York City than born). The genocide has a name, "populatin control" and is aimed at the poor, which hits the Blacks disproportionately. It is this movement, now mainstream fed. gov. policy that is behind the refusal to aid Nigeria (which includes also Muslim girls) against radical Islam.

If interest in pursue the eliminatory policies against the poor and the Black check out blackgenocide.com, a active and unusual Protestant minister, is leading the way. He is a rarity, as David Carroll, a Black intellectual, brilliant and concervative, has pointed out, most Black pastors have accepted the sexual game of the "white liberal plantation" (Carroll's designaition), money (and even sex with the most female church-goers) seems to have won the day.

Ladies and Gentleman, you are living in peaceful bliss, founded upon ignorance.

Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. Leonard Wessell
adeste fideles
"Estados Unidos ha dejado claro que no va a ayudar a Nigeria a combatir al grupo terrorista Boko Haram a menos que el país modifique sus leyes con respecto a la homosexualidad, la planificación familiar y control de la natalidad". 😡 ...nos preguntamos si la aparente simpatía del gobierno de Obama hacia el vaticano tiene que ver con la actuación "políticamente correcta" que ha mostrado el actual …More
"Estados Unidos ha dejado claro que no va a ayudar a Nigeria a combatir al grupo terrorista Boko Haram a menos que el país modifique sus leyes con respecto a la homosexualidad, la planificación familiar y control de la natalidad". 😡 ...nos preguntamos si la aparente simpatía del gobierno de Obama hacia el vaticano tiene que ver con la actuación "políticamente correcta" que ha mostrado el actual gobierno de la Iglesia y su escandalosa apertura hacia quienes practican la homosexualidad.. 😲
No estamos conectados de esa manera:
El Obispo Emmanuel Badejo de Oyo, de Nigeria, ha dicho a Aleteia, que los EE.UU. han dejado claro a través de la entonces Secretaria de Estado, Hillary Clinton, que no va a ayudar a Nigeria a combatir el grupo terrorista Boko Haram a menos que el país modifique su leyes sobre la homosexualidad, la planificación familiar y control de la natalidad. El obispo …More
No estamos conectados de esa manera:
El Obispo Emmanuel Badejo de Oyo, de Nigeria, ha dicho a Aleteia, que los EE.UU. han dejado claro a través de la entonces Secretaria de Estado, Hillary Clinton, que no va a ayudar a Nigeria a combatir el grupo terrorista Boko Haram a menos que el país modifique su leyes sobre la homosexualidad, la planificación familiar y control de la natalidad. El obispo añadió: “Si Occidente aprecia la libertad para la homosexualidad y las uniones homosexuales y el aborto y la anticoncepción, supongamos que los africanos no estamos conectados de esa manera.”
Hoy L'Osservatore Romano publicó una parte de un nuevo libro del cardenal alemán pro-gay Walter Kasper. Su título: “Francisco, la revolución de la ternura y el amor”. En el, Kasper se esfuerza en ganar su favor a través de la adulación. Incluso compara a Francisco con el famoso filósofo alemán Martin Heidegger y no practicante Católico que durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial fue un …More
Hoy L'Osservatore Romano publicó una parte de un nuevo libro del cardenal alemán pro-gay Walter Kasper. Su título: “Francisco, la revolución de la ternura y el amor”. En el, Kasper se esfuerza en ganar su favor a través de la adulación. Incluso compara a Francisco con el famoso filósofo alemán Martin Heidegger y no practicante Católico que durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial fue un nazi convencido.
One more comment from Cristo-Rey-Soberano
VIP Gays:
El Vaticano por primera vez ha dado a un grupo de disidentes homosexuales de Estados Unidos (New Ways Ministry) los asientos VIP en la audiencia del Miércoles de Francisco. Se les invitó a sentarse al frente de monseñor Gänswein quien está a cargo de las entradas. En 1999 el Vaticano prohibió a los co-fundadores de New Ways Ministry, Sor Jeannine Gramick, y al Padre Robert Nugent, …More
VIP Gays:
El Vaticano por primera vez ha dado a un grupo de disidentes homosexuales de Estados Unidos (New Ways Ministry) los asientos VIP en la audiencia del Miércoles de Francisco. Se les invitó a sentarse al frente de monseñor Gänswein quien está a cargo de las entradas. En 1999 el Vaticano prohibió a los co-fundadores de New Ways Ministry, Sor Jeannine Gramick, y al Padre Robert Nugent, ministrar a los homosexuales porque se negaron a las enseñanza de la Iglesia sobre la maldad intrínseca de los actos homosexuales. El Padre Nugent acató la directiva y murió el año pasado. Gramick continuó su ministerio y fue la encargada de la audiencia de ayer. Bajo los dos papas anteriores New Ways había intentado sin éxito obtener asientos VIP. Esta vez, el nuncio en Washington y el arzobispo de San Francisco apoyaron la solicitud.