Gloria.TV News on the 9th of January 2015 Just Stupid: Commenting on the attack on Charlie Hebdo, Tony Barber has noticed in the Financial Times that the magazine has a long record of mocking Muslims.…More
Gloria.TV News on the 9th of January 2015
Just Stupid: Commenting on the attack on Charlie Hebdo, Tony Barber has noticed in the Financial Times that the magazine has a long record of mocking Muslims. Quote: “If it stops just short of outright insults, it is nevertheless not the most convincing champion of the principle of freedom of speech.” And: “Too often editorial foolishness has prevailed at Charlie Hebdo”. Barber believes that some common sense would be useful at such publications, which purport to strike a blow for freedom when they provoke Muslims, but are actually just being stupid.
Too Narcissistic: Catholic League’s Bill Donohue wrote that neither killing in response to insult nor the intolerance that provoked the violent reaction against Charlie Hebdo should be tolerated. He remembers that the magazine has a long and disgusting record of going way beyond the mere lampooning of religious figures. They have shown nuns masturbating and popes wearing condoms.” Donohue believes …More
Continuation of the letter:
If I go at night through Bielefeld, there are areas that I consciously avoid, because I don´t want to be a victim of foreign criminal gangs, these areas are increasing in all Germany. It's scary!
When I go on vacation or even just briefly gone, the risk of becoming victims of burglars immense is high, because foreign gangs on whole settlements fall. The break-in numbers …More
Continuation of the letter:

If I go at night through Bielefeld, there are areas that I consciously avoid, because I don´t want to be a victim of foreign criminal gangs, these areas are increasing in all Germany. It's scary!

When I go on vacation or even just briefly gone, the risk of becoming victims of burglars immense is high, because foreign gangs on whole settlements fall. The break-in numbers have exploded in recent years, the little determined perpetrators were mostly foreigners. At the same time, the personnel strength of the police in all Germany was thinned massively. It's incredibly scary!

I bought a new car, and if I'm still at the border to Poland, I fear have also, that it's gone tomorrow. And the press can no longer write foreign criminals! It's scary!

And the real Islamization?

Since the almost daily crimes of the Islamists are worldwide first, attended by more and more Germans. Now even your interior assumes the risk of a major attack in Germany. What, Mrs Merkel, will you say then to the population?

In Germany itself, the Islamization is progressing slowly, but steadily. No cross in the classrooms, no cross more on the Nicholas in Holland, separate sports lessons, renaming of Martin turn and the Christmas markets, including Christian churches, for more and more mosques (is there not also violence preached?), more and more Burkaträger and head cloth wearers (which is an expression of the oppression of women is often), there are also honor killings, alone in the Bielefeld area in the last few years six (!), forced marriage, Circumcision mutilation of Muslim girls in the underground, non-observance of the German animal protection laws (slaughter without stunning), politicians want to introduce Muslim holiday, etc.

This list can be continued even as...
Schools in which practically no German is spoken are not uncommon. It is where "up there" but it almost doesn't matter, because the children of "Upper" (example of woman power, MP NRW) go to private schools. That's what scares, that makes angry.

And there are the street fighting between Kurds and Turks. It's scary!

And when I go through Bielefeld and foreigners groups meet (apparently) me, which I do not immediately go out of the way, then you will be accosted as German, the other day I had to listen to "move over, you old Nazischwein"! This makes more than fear, and I'm starting to feel as strangers in their own country.

The critics complain that there is virtually no Muslims in Dresden, and that therefore any permission to demonstrate is nonsensical. Is it still? Germany is a relatively small country. Should the Dresdener wait until there, as described above, States prevail in Berlin and elsewhere?
Incredibly clear "open letter" a German Crime Officials to Chancellor Merkel: "Your policy against Pegida scares me!"
"...In Bremen there is a family clan, (source German of officers) of about 2500 Arab people consists of. This family receive EUR 8 million social welfare and the police estimated that the turnover of this family with drug stores more than 80 (!) Millions of Euro. Police and public …More
Incredibly clear "open letter" a German Crime Officials to Chancellor Merkel: "Your policy against Pegida scares me!"

"...In Bremen there is a family clan, (source German of officers) of about 2500 Arab people consists of. This family receive EUR 8 million social welfare and the police estimated that the turnover of this family with drug stores more than 80 (!) Millions of Euro. Police and public prosecutor are largely powerless.

Police officers, prosecutors, judges are threatened ("we know where your family lives"), and witnesses be made compliant, "correctly" to testify. Such clan there are many here in Germany. These families demonstrate our legal system. It is not intended to integrate. And we need to stand by and watch the poisoning of our children with this criminal narcotics! That scares giant!

In Hamburg, there is a large gang of children which was infiltrated by criminal foreigners and is maintained. Children (12-13 years old), all have no ID, tyrannize a whole district mainly in the area of St. Pauli. Dozens of robberies, burglaries, thefts and assault offences goes on this gang..."

One more comment from Josefine
Turkish Prime Minister calls on Merkel to take action against PEGIDA!
On Monday, the turkish Prime Minister meets Ahmet Davutoglu (photo) the Chancellor Angela Merkel. According to Tagesspiegel, he has in his March luggage demands for concrete steps against the Islamophobia in Germany. From Ankara again shrill tones are heard. Pegida represent a "Crusader ideology …More
Turkish Prime Minister calls on Merkel to take action against PEGIDA!


On Monday, the turkish Prime Minister meets Ahmet Davutoglu (photo) the Chancellor Angela Merkel. According to Tagesspiegel, he has in his March luggage demands for concrete steps against the Islamophobia in Germany. From Ankara again shrill tones are heard. Pegida represent a "Crusader ideology" is "racist", "full of hatred of islam" and targets on the "subjugation of muslims". This turkish muslims looked likely to deeply in the koran and confused something...
With growing concern, turkey observed the success of Islam-critical movement of "Pegida" in Germany and the rise of right-wing populist parties in Europe. Stand behind "Pegida" racism, the Chairman of the Human Rights Committee in the turkish parliament, Sefer ACE had said a few days ago. Since the massacre in Paris satire magazine "Charlie Hebdo", Davutoglu and other turkish government officials warn the violence should not be associated with Islam in connection and be abused as a pretext of a new wave of islamophobic. Berlin Davutoglu wants to invade so according to turkish press reports at Merkel on clear words on the subject of "Pegida" and "concrete steps" against the Islamophobia...



The UN/EU politicians and their henchman "Francis" condems the Paris attacks, but they don´t lose a word against the thousands murders against Christians in Germany and Sweden, and say nothing against the outrageous claims of the turkish politicians...
Erdogan also urged Angela Merkel to take action against the alleged "Islamophobia" and PEGIDA...
What a exorbitance towards the German people!
No word of regret what do islamic killers here in Europe, especially in Germany and Sweden. And no word that these criminals must be kicked out of Europe and to be arrested.
European politicians have a duty to close the borders and to guard it, or they make themselves guilty like the islamic politicians and their joint action must be presented one day before a tribunal.
Questions About the Paris Shooting - Very suspicious, you be the judge.
Questions About the Paris Shooting - Very suspicious, you be the judge.

>>>To kick off the celebrations for the 750jährigen Kölner Dom (Mosque) anniversary 1998 Card. Meisner said: "where our people has fallen out? In a motherless, fatherless and childless society. Our people confessed to ever morally so deeply? Well we have lost faith in the child of Bethlehem, and as a consequence we have more coffins than children's cradles in the country."
...Johannes Dyba, formerly …More
>>>To kick off the celebrations for the 750jährigen Kölner Dom (Mosque) anniversary 1998 Card. Meisner said: "where our people has fallen out? In a motherless, fatherless and childless society. Our people confessed to ever morally so deeply? Well we have lost faith in the child of Bethlehem, and as a consequence we have more coffins than children's cradles in the country."
...Johannes Dyba, formerly a diplomat of the "holy see", and Archbishop of Fulda, died in the year 2000 suddenly and unexpectedly, as he had at the time denounced the genocide of unborn children and the equality of the abnormal deformity with the natural (gay marriage)!<<<


No one should be fooled by the Church tax bishops. What the cologne bishop Joachim Meisner said, is the fault of all this human rights bishops. Then they find out that they have had success with motherless, fatherless and childless society. This is a falsehood and duplicity.
Thanks for the news.