
When the Révolution devours its children

LifeSiteNews, nov 2023 : "He [Bischop Rey] also explains what he sees as three pillars in his diocese :

faithfulness to Vatican II,
2. evangelization,
3. “pastoral communion with different sensibilities, expression[s] of faith, different charism[s],”

Bischop Rey : " These three pillars are fundamentally the essentials of my ministry.”

Source The fallout from Pope Francis' suspension of ordinations by France's most faithful bishop - LifeSite

Cardinal Suenens: "Vatican II is 1789 in the Church"

Victurnien Vergniaud, born in 1753 and died guillotined on October 31, 1793 in Paris, "It was allowed to fear that the Revolution, like Saturn, would successively devour all his children."

Bishop Rey, during his self-criticism session
in June 2022 traditionally pronounced BEFORE being definitively mercifuled by the party to which he swore fidelity until death : "In my 22 years as Bishop, I have been able to make errors of discernment in the reception or in the accompaniment of their members, as in that of certain priests of the Diocese. To all those who have suffered, I sincerely ask forgiveness."

Source : Message aux prêtres et fidèles du Diocèse de Fréjus-Toulon (France)