Does The Vatican Need Anger Management Classes? Does The Vatican Need Anger Management Classes? Pennsylvania psychiatrist Rick Fitzgibbons, a specialist in treating excessive anger, has commented on …More
Does The Vatican Need Anger Management Classes?

Does The Vatican Need Anger Management Classes?

Pennsylvania psychiatrist Rick Fitzgibbons, a specialist in treating excessive anger, has commented on the angry Vatican attack against faithful Catholics carried out by Father Antonio Spadaro and Protestant preacher Marcelo Figueroa. Fitzgibbons writes on lifesitenews.com, "As a psychiatrist, the recent false accusations from Rome against faithful Catholics reminds me of couples preparing to divorce." Fitzgibbons has served as a consultant to the Congregation for the Clergy.

Warning Against Idolatry of the Papacy

Cardinal Raymond Burke has warned against turning the papacy into an idol. Preaching on July 22 during the "Church Teaches Forum" in Louisville, Kentucky, he said that treating every word uttered by the Pope as if it were official Church teaching would be to fall into a - quote - “idolatry of the papacy”.

Pro-Death Jesuits

This year’s National Jesuit Student Leadership Conference held at Georgetown University saw among its speakers Bob Bland and Breanne Butler, the founders of the pro-abortion Women’s March on Washington. The March banned pro-life groups from participating.

"Very Good Relationship"

Bishop Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo, a close follower of Pope Francis, has hinted that there is an unofficial agreement between Pope Francis and the Communist Regime in China on the appointment of bishops, reported ucanews.com. While attending a conference in Kunming, China, Sánchez said to the state-run Global Times on August 4, "We need to make a distinction between a formal agreement and the real things. The real thing is that at this moment China and (the) pope have a very good relationship,"
In answer to your question, "Does the Vatican need anger management classes?" Yes, almost as much as the Vatican needs lessons in Catechism! If the latter suggestion is successful, they won't need the former.
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