The White Flag Church

Obama became president with 56% of Catholic voting in the USA in 2008, after years of his term forcing the abortion agenda, 50% Catholics still voted for Obama... Journalist Michael Voris from the …More
Obama became president with 56% of Catholic voting in the USA in 2008, after years of his term forcing the abortion agenda, 50% Catholics still voted for Obama... Journalist Michael Voris from the site reported, that close to 80% of the American Bishops voted for Obama.
For two thousand years many Judas has been proclaiming an strange Gospel inside our Church, sheeps all over the world has fallen for their trap and relax and compromised their souls, today it feels, that we have the highest percentage of traitors inside our Church, than any other time or crisis in our 2000 years of existence.
When Bishop Joseph Kurtz was elected to be the head of the conference of Bishops here in the USA, the congratulations given by "pope" Francis was: "I don't want ideology", Kurtz known as a notorious pro-lifer, who didn't hesitate to kneel and pray the Rosary in front of abortion clinics, he was warned about the "rigidity" that liberalism always proclaimed that the pro-life ideology …More
There is a political phrase with the acronym, "RINO" for Republican In Name Only. Maybe we should come up with a new one. We could call it, "COIN" meaning, "Catholic Only In Name" or a tongue-twister, "CLAPSED" for Catholic lapsed. 😀 🙏