De Profundis
Is she wrong?
Sunamis 49
you can say?
does she mean, she had no said a rosary since xatican 2-
she means she did pray the rosary and not just say the rosary
She means that with the advent of Vatican 2 and all the changes in the Church, Catholics have stopped praying the rosary, abstaining from meat on Fridays and all the other devotions prior.
Yes the phrase "say the rosary" is just shorthand for praying it out loud. Similar to the term "hearing Mass" meaning one attended and paid attention. I was a seminarian in the early 90s and both of these traditional ways of speaking were attacked as showing how shallow& unsophisticated was the faith of our ancestors - and Vatican II would change all that. My opinion: it didn't work! The change was …More
Yes the phrase "say the rosary" is just shorthand for praying it out loud. Similar to the term "hearing Mass" meaning one attended and paid attention. I was a seminarian in the early 90s and both of these traditional ways of speaking were attacked as showing how shallow& unsophisticated was the faith of our ancestors - and Vatican II would change all that. My opinion: it didn't work! The change was NOT for the better!