
Francis Proclaims Fraternity and Vaccine Religion

“Along with vaccines, fraternity and hope are, as it were, the medicine we need in today’s world,” Francis told the Vatican’s diplomatic corps on February 8.

Now, people ask Francis on Twitter.com, “Not the Eucharist???” and “Is there a place for Eucharist?” Philip Johnson writes, “Bergoglio doesn't need Christ anymore.”

Father John Stone comments, “Vaccines? Fraternity? Hope? I was taught that the Sacraments are the medicine today's world needs. *sigh*: A. D I F F E R E N T. R E L I G I O N.”

Tony M
It is possible that Bergoglio believes that now the Church and the world has him.....we don't need Jesus.
Might sound over the top, but he certainly acts that way.
When did he last kneel or genuflect before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament????????