
Vocations Director Encourages Female Priesthood? By Martha Collins

Vocations Director for Dunedin Diocese, Southern New Zealand, Father Mark Chamberlain "presided" a strange liturgy on Sunday 7 February which was barely recognisable as Catholic (video below).

In Dunedin’s Holy Name Church, in the university quarter, the congregation were served up prayers from sources other than the Roman Missal, and a ceremony full of odd gestures such as Father Chamberlain receiving Communion in a most perfunctory manner after the congregation had been to Communion.

For some reason, Father Chamberlain allowed a woman to read the Gospel and "preach". There was no evident surprise and certainly no protest from the mainly elderly congregation present. One wonders whether Chamberlain had been emboldened or simply confused by Francis’ recent opening of the office of lector and acolyte to females?

The lack of young people in the congregation was made evident by the calling forward of children at the end of the liturgy for a blessing. Perhaps half a dozen children trotted forward to receive a touch on the head.

That Father Chamberlain is both Vocations Director – a role he has had in the Diocese for over 25 years – and a member of the College of Consultors raises questions about the judgement of Bishop Michael Dooley.

The video of the liturgy makes it clear that Father Chamberlain is unsuited to both positions and for the care of souls in general.

Armo 75
Wow, Bishop Dooley, you need to correct this NOW!
Tony M
Can't see a tabernacle.
Looks like a protestant church!!!
All going in the same apostate direction in that parish it would seem.