
Archbishop: Francis Invents "Secular Religion", Despises Catholics

Many people around the world disagree with Francis' ideological position, especially his ecological globalism, writes Archbishop Emeritus of La Plata, Héctor Aguer (RorateCaeli.Blogspost.com, 12 November).

He calls Francis' Laudato si and Fratelli tutti "novel texts adapted to the globalist movement" and explains that Francis' ecclesial narrative is part of "a new secular religion". This is why churches are chosen as meeting spaces for ecological events, in order to "desacralise" them.

Arguer notes a distance between Francis' theories and Christ's command to the apostles, calling this "the main problem revealed in the painful rift opened in the Church by the official departure from the great and unanimous tradition."

Those who do not follow Francis' ideology and prefer a unified continuity with correct doctrine are "despised" and called retrograde - but they are "not few".

Thus, fidelity to the faith is in contrast to Francis' ideology, which propagates a "nebulous gnosis" that demands "a march forward".

Picture: Héctor Aguer © wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsRelsrqpgte

The Pope should do the Will of God not of the world
Salvatore Bastatti
Yet he still lives.
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio challenges God and the Church that is to say that he not only commits apostasy but also commits the grave sin of Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.