
The Resting Place of Saint Thomas Moore's Head

More ascended the scaffold on July 6, 1535, joking to his executioners to help him up the scaffold, but that he would see himself down. He then made a final statement, proclaiming that he was "the king's good servant, but God's first."

Following his death, it was revealed that More wore a hair shirt, a garment destined to be itchy, and worn to as a sign of atonement and repentance. It became obvious to all that he was a man of deep piety, asceticism, voluntary self discipline, and penitence.

"the king's good servant AND God's first"
The comment by Thomas More was I am the king's good servant AND God's first (the Latin is ac (atque). It is mirrors the words of Jesus, Render to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's.