Liturgical Chaos & Abuses - Part 1 A small compilation of images reflecting the problems and liturgical abuses in Catholic liturgy since the liturgical 'reform' of Paul VI following the Vatican Council.More
Liturgical Chaos & Abuses - Part 1
A small compilation of images reflecting the problems and liturgical abuses in Catholic liturgy since the liturgical 'reform' of Paul VI following the Vatican Council.
Guiharan shares this
hérésie anti-liturgique.
Témoignages scandaleux (pour la postérité) 🤬More
hérésie anti-liturgique.

Témoignages scandaleux (pour la postérité) 🤬
Holyrope1: Stop fighting with those on this site. Just produce, this....and its overwith....if you want to defend your beliefs, let a Pope and Saint do it for you, and us. God is way ahead of those who attack us on this site. For standing, for what is TRUE AND HOLY. THEY ARE JUST CHILDREN. WE ARE MATURE CATHOLICS. Read this, and arm yourself, with QUO PRIMUM its all you need. We don't have to defend …More
Holyrope1: Stop fighting with those on this site. Just produce, this....and its overwith....if you want to defend your beliefs, let a Pope and Saint do it for you, and us. God is way ahead of those who attack us on this site. For standing, for what is TRUE AND HOLY. THEY ARE JUST CHILDREN. WE ARE MATURE CATHOLICS. Read this, and arm yourself, with QUO PRIMUM its all you need. We don't have to defend ourselves, if we follow St. Pius V for example. I follow TRUTH, AND THE LORD, and I will leave very close friends on this forum or even my own family, when it comes to matters of the Lord. Without even giving it a second thought. I am only INTERESTED, in what our Lord is doing. And I will give you, a hint....He is honoring, QUO PRIMUM..... IT doesn't matter, Sister what these people, think or can't stop what the Lord has instituted, with one of his chosen Saints, and Popes like St. Pius a validated, Holyrope 1 to believe as you believe. We have it etched in eternal stone. It makes me sick, to look at this video. I have much more important things to this below...and you can pull, up all that you want on QUO PRIMUM, of the web....God bless, and don't waste your time, going to Churches, and demanding the Latin Mass, or waste your time, argueing, with brothers on this site.....just find an St. Pius V or an SSPX...and go recieve the Lord, in the PROPER, WAY, HE WANTED US TO RECIEVE HIM, WITH THE PROPER MASS, AND LITURGY, THAT OUR LORD ESTABLISHED, AND PROTECTED, SO MANY CENTURIES. AGO...... 🧐 🧐 🧐 🧐

Being fully aware of this, Pope St. Pius V did not shrink from saying "by our Apostolic authority . . . we order and declare . . . that this present Constitution can never be revoked or modified, but shall forever remain valid and have the force of law." He declared solemnly and definitively that Quo Primum cannot ever be revoked or modified.
Why did he do this? Because it is an application of the Divine Law as defined by the Church regarding the Roman Rite specifically, the Roman Church specifically. So it is not merely disciplinary , it is a disciplinary decree rooted in the doctrine of the faith. There are other legal formulations used in other decrees saying "henceforth in perpetuity" but we are not dealing with something so simple as this. We are dealing with a very explicit pronouncement wherein he says, "by our Apostolic authority . . . we order and declare . . . that this present Constitution can never be revoked or modified, but shall forever remain valid and have the force of law."
However, even if the Pope had never issued Quo Primum, the doctrine of the Church had been previously defined. The proper liturgy of the Roman Church is the Roman Rite. This is the faith. This is the teaching of the Church. So even if Quo Primum never existed and even if Pope Pius V had not codified the Missal, Catholics would still be bound their customary traditional rites, the so-called Tridentine Rite, and other similar variations of the same. This is the doctrine of the faith and it can never change............go online, Holyrope 1 and read, QUO PRIMUM, FOR YOURSELF, and stop debating, and arguing know with brothers and sister on this site. You now, have the authority, to follow, the new Churches, like St. Pius V, and SSPX.....God is behind, them sister........peace in Love

KNOWLOVEANDSERVEGOD: My beloved in Christ, it was not designed to be the way, Pope, and Saint Pius V, went out of his way, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, to put up a never ending defence against, madness like you Tommy has shown here. Read this, and you will understand, God is raising up, and army with Churches, like St. Pius V, and SSPX.QUO PRIMUM cannot ever be revoked or modified. The Pope …More
KNOWLOVEANDSERVEGOD: My beloved in Christ, it was not designed to be the way, Pope, and Saint Pius V, went out of his way, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, to put up a never ending defence against, madness like you Tommy has shown here. Read this, and you will understand, God is raising up, and army with Churches, like St. Pius V, and SSPX.QUO PRIMUM cannot ever be revoked or modified. The Pope and Saint Pius V under the direction of the Spirit of Jesus, made sure, this wouldn't happen. You will find, that certain Churches, like St. Pius V, and SSPX, or not anti-catholic, they are actually, preserving our Catholic Faith. And what is wonderful, about more clown masses....or gay priests....God is so Aewsome. He is honoring, what he madated, in Quo many centuries....ago......

Being fully aware of this, Pope St. Pius V did not shrink from saying "by our Apostolic authority . . . we order and declare . . . that this present Constitution can never be revoked or modified, but shall forever remain valid and have the force of law." He declared solemnly and definitively that Quo Primum cannot ever be revoked or modified.
Why did he do this? Because it is an application of the Divine Law as defined by the Church regarding the Roman Rite specifically, the Roman Church specifically. So it is not merely disciplinary , it is a disciplinary decree rooted in the doctrine of the faith. There are other legal formulations used in other decrees saying "henceforth in perpetuity" but we are not dealing with something so simple as this. We are dealing with a very explicit pronouncement wherein he says, "by our Apostolic authority . . . we order and declare . . . that this present Constitution can never be revoked or modified, but shall forever remain valid and have the force of law."
However, even if the Pope had never issued Quo Primum, the doctrine of the Church had been previously defined. The proper liturgy of the Roman Church is the Roman Rite. This is the faith. This is the teaching of the Church. So even if Quo Primum never existed and even if Pope Pius V had not codified the Missal, Catholics would still be bound their customary traditional rites, the so-called Tridentine Rite, and other similar variations of the same. This is the doctrine of the faith and it can never change ✍️ ✍️ ✍️

Here we see a small snapshot of the horrors which have taken place and continue to take place in and against the Mystical Body of Christ which is one and the same as the Roman Catholic Church. It is being crucified today as never before.
Let us pray that people can benefit from viewing this by being open to the workings of God's grace. Let us be inspired to do penance (The words of Jesus Christ, …More
Here we see a small snapshot of the horrors which have taken place and continue to take place in and against the Mystical Body of Christ which is one and the same as the Roman Catholic Church. It is being crucified today as never before.

Let us pray that people can benefit from viewing this by being open to the workings of God's grace. Let us be inspired to do penance (The words of Jesus Christ, Second Person of the Blessed Trinity as quoted in Luke 13:3 "....unless you shall do penance, you shall all likewise perish.") to make reparation for the outrages carried out against our Creator and our heavenly mother the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Some will wrongly dismiss this clip as being a sensationalistic exaggeration of the state of affairs in the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church founded by our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Let us remind ourselves that the horrific blasphemies witnessed here are both a cause and a symptom of our desecrated and much abandoned Holy Mother Church, the very Church Almighty God founded to help us save our immortal souls. Let us also remind ourselves that the horror of the loss of one's immortal soul for all eternity in hell can never be exaggerated.

Our Catholic Faith is the most important gift given to us, infinitely more important than our spouse, parents, children, job, etc., as important as these may be. Let us never take our Faith for granted. In this fallen world which so greatly adores itself (creatures) as opposed to adoring the one true God (the Creator -- the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost) if our faith is not strong we will lose it -- often without even realizing it.

So many of us, of course, say that we love God. Let us remind ourselves of the words of our Savior spoken but hours before His most excruciating agony and death on the cross: "If you love me, keep my commandments." (John 14:15) Do we really love Him or do we deceive ourselves? Let us pray to the Holy Ghost for the light of true discernment so that we may truly see ourselves as God sees us and then pray for the courage and strength to change our ways.

In Jesus Christ our King and Mary our Queen,
James B. Phillips
The new mass has become a "STAGE OF ENTERTAINMENT", IF people would only come to realize this, stop putting money in the basket UNTIL the pastors become OBEDIENT TO THE HOLY FATHER in having and not REFUSING to have the Latin Mass said in their churches. If the people would only SPEAK UP, STOP CONTRIBUTING..then you will see the Latin Mass in the Churches.

The new mass has become a "STAGE OF ENTERTAINMENT", IF people would only come to realize this, stop putting money in the basket UNTIL the pastors become OBEDIENT TO THE HOLY FATHER in having and not REFUSING to have the Latin Mass said in their churches. If the people would only SPEAK UP, STOP CONTRIBUTING..then you will see the Latin Mass in the Churches.
I meant John XXIII was a usurper.
Most won't believe this, in fact these are not Liturgy abuse; none of these wierd things are forbidden. Vatican II is expressly designed for this purpose to ope up the Church to the World. Vatican II ( all 16 decrees are) the exact antithesis of Vatican I.This the age old quarrell of traditionalism vs modernism. Vat II is the triumph of modernism.Remember John XXII was a userper; the true pope …More
Most won't believe this, in fact these are not Liturgy abuse; none of these wierd things are forbidden. Vatican II is expressly designed for this purpose to ope up the Church to the World. Vatican II ( all 16 decrees are) the exact antithesis of Vatican I.This the age old quarrell of traditionalism vs modernism. Vat II is the triumph of modernism.Remember John XXII was a userper; the true pope Cardinal Siri in 1958 was pushed aside in a coupd'etat. We must unite, revolt, and stop it.
EJGCatholic, I'm sorry but 95% of these pictures are form Catholic liturgies. Some (the ones I couldn't verify) maybe from non-Catholic services, but the majority are Catholic.
There is not emoticon showing weeping. That would be the emoticon I would choose. I am truly truly saddened.
Anna Guico
yes, it only showed how "far" our Protestant brothers have gone in their mutation of the liturgy when they rebelled against the Church founded by Christ. Martin Luther an Augustinian monk, King Henry the VIII when the Pope refused to grant him divorce, Charles and John Wesley founder of Methodist were former Anglicans. The Benedictines tolerated dissenters and heretics among their ranks thus some …More
yes, it only showed how "far" our Protestant brothers have gone in their mutation of the liturgy when they rebelled against the Church founded by Christ. Martin Luther an Augustinian monk, King Henry the VIII when the Pope refused to grant him divorce, Charles and John Wesley founder of Methodist were former Anglicans. The Benedictines tolerated dissenters and heretics among their ranks thus some of them have this kind of liturgy. Let us pray for them, Like in the parable of the Prodigal son, the Father who loves them will rejoice when they come back home, like Scott Hahn, who fell in love with Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. They are also part of the mystical body of Christ. Let us pray for them.
it must be said that for the sake of Truth and honest debate while i agree the problem with liturgical disintegration truly exists,and with the premise of the video.. these images always come up about them in videos folks make,BUT if you do some research and, at look at the participants youll see that many of the photos are from mostly American Episcopalian/-high church Methodist/- and low Anglican …More
it must be said that for the sake of Truth and honest debate while i agree the problem with liturgical disintegration truly exists,and with the premise of the video.. these images always come up about them in videos folks make,BUT if you do some research and, at look at the participants youll see that many of the photos are from mostly American Episcopalian/-high church Methodist/- and low Anglican and some Lutheran liturgies....except the 'Buddhist lay consecration ' one, is sadly run by a Benedictine monk/community in France.
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...please post this video also in the german part of
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...please post this video also in the german part of