
Francis Eucharist: Guy Picks Up Communion, Doesn't Know What To Do With It

During last Sunday's Eucharist in St. Peter’s, Francis conferred the Novus Ordo ministries of "lector" and "catechist" to four men and six women.

It was the second time, he tried to promote these invented functions who never went off the ground. Francis didn’t preside the Eucharist but only preached and talked.

Toward the end, the Vatican livestream showed the so-called faithful taking communion like a souvenir. One young man grabbed it and was going to carry it away until someone pointed out to him that Communion is meant to be consumed.

The Novus Ordo is known for throwing the "sacraments" after people who don't know what they are doing.

Picture: Robert Nugent / Screenshot Vatican Media, #newsGmmhpnixfh

Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I remember reading a story years ago about Communion in the hand which really made me cringe when I read it. Years ago, a girl about the same age as this kid in the video clip did the same thing, she took the Host in her hand, went back to her seat and took a strait pin from her hat and started poking at the Host in her had, When people next to her stopped her, they asked why was she doing it, and …More
I remember reading a story years ago about Communion in the hand which really made me cringe when I read it. Years ago, a girl about the same age as this kid in the video clip did the same thing, she took the Host in her hand, went back to her seat and took a strait pin from her hat and started poking at the Host in her had, When people next to her stopped her, they asked why was she doing it, and she replied "I wanted to see if I could make Jesus cry." That kid was possessed by the devil I'm sure.
But I can imagng how many other millions of blasphemy and sacriledge is done wvery week by people who recieve Communion in the hand.
(Just as an aside, the Orthodox don't take communion in the hand, neither did the Episcopalians in my area in any of their Churches( until COVID-19). They took their communion on the tongue and kneeling (which was a surprise). Very reverent....even though their Communon is just a piece of bread.
Defeat Modernism
It's a good thing that the new mass is invalid because the new rite of bishop consecration and the new rite of ordination are both, at best, doubtful. But do any of these men even have the Faith or believe in the true presence? How could they?!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Communion in the hand used to be banned in St. Peter's and the Vatican. At least until heretic Francis.