
Posthumous Book: Bishops Reject Catholicism, Seminary Education Has Collapsed

Benedict’s posthumous bookChe cos’e il Cristianesimo(What is Christianity?), published January 18, collects sixteen texts written after his resignation, mostly around 2018, with the last from 2022. Explosive quotes

• “We note a vast collapse of the current form of preparation for priestly ministry in seminaries.”

• “In various seminaries homosexual 'clubs' were formed which acted more or less openly.”

• Several US bishops "joined forces in order to hide the real situation" regarding homosexual abuses.

• Individual bishops "rejected the Catholic tradition as a whole, aiming in their dioceses to develop a kind of new, modern catholicity.”

• “The [Protestant] Last Supper and the Mass are two fundamentally different, mutually exclusive forms of worship. Let those who preach intercommunion today remember this.”

• “Modern thought [...] is more at ease with Luther’s approach than with the Catholic approach. For an explanation of Scripture that sees the Old Testament as a way to Jesus Christ is almost inaccessible to modern thought.”

• The “great powers of tolerance do not grant to Christianity the tolerance they propagate” and with their “radical manipulation of man” and “distortion of the sexes through gender ideology,” they are opposed to Christianity.

• “The intolerance of this apparent modernity towards the Christian faith has [allegedly] not yet turned into open persecution, and yet it manifests itself in an increasingly authoritarian way with the aim of achieving, by a appropriate legislation, the eradication of what is essentially Christian.”

Picture: © Mazur/cbcew.org.uk, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsYrhnjtrzuo

When will this book be available in English ? I want it.
Sandy Barrett shares this
‘Gay clubs’ run in seminaries, BenedictXVI says in posthumous attack on Francis
Hugh N. Cry
Tell us something we didn’t know. Funny how all this is coming out after Benedict’s death. Would have been more powerful if he’d said and done something about it before “retirement.”
We should pray for the pope to do the Will of God not the will of the world
Sally Dorman shares this
Posthumously published book by Benedict XVI (Requiem aeterna) states that many Bishops aren't Catholic. Are de facto creating a new religion.
Tony Smith
He writes this and yet no real support was given for the SSPX. He refused to see that at the heart of the matter was his own heretical concept of the Church.
Well said and spot on!
Dr Bobus
What heretical concept of the Church?
Tony M
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Jorge Bergoglio is going nowhere. He will be staying on to complete the job he started and has been doing so effectively since March, 2013. After he eliminates the Tridentine Mass, he will then change the Novus Ordo Mass to a false invalid Mass (the abomination of desolation). With Jesus no longer present in the Blessed Sacrament in Catholic Churches the scene is then set for …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Jorge Bergoglio is going nowhere. He will be staying on to complete the job he started and has been doing so effectively since March, 2013. After he eliminates the Tridentine Mass, he will then change the Novus Ordo Mass to a false invalid Mass (the abomination of desolation). With Jesus no longer present in the Blessed Sacrament in Catholic Churches the scene is then set for the entry of the antichrist. With the restraining effect of Pope Benedict XVI & Cardinal George Pell gone, they are now going to go for it!!!!!
Tony M
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori it is time to listen to what God has been telling us about all of this.....through His authentic prophets. Pope Benedict's resignation was prophesied as was the heretical & godless nature of the imposter who was to follow him. Are you going to listen to God??? Or are you going to try to work it out with your limited finite mind as compared to the mind of our infinite God.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@Tony M - Ok, was it also prophesized when this catastrophe of a papacy and his homo crew will end, or to faithful Catholics have to be left hanging forever? Ten years of blasphemy, heresy, pagan rites and homos running wild in the Vatican and elsewhere in the Church is long enough I should think. I'm only 28, but I'm not going to hang on and wait for a good Pope if we get years more of this s--- …More
@Tony M - Ok, was it also prophesized when this catastrophe of a papacy and his homo crew will end, or to faithful Catholics have to be left hanging forever? Ten years of blasphemy, heresy, pagan rites and homos running wild in the Vatican and elsewhere in the Church is long enough I should think. I'm only 28, but I'm not going to hang on and wait for a good Pope if we get years more of this s--- from Francis and company. They have their faults, they have their own crises, and they are not in union with the "holy father". HORRORS!! But the Greek Orthodox Church looks a whole lot better as a place for traditional spirituality and devout worship liturgically than the dime-a-dozen Novus Ordo Masses in parishes around my neighborhood. 🤪
Tony M
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori No. No. No. Stick with the Catholic Church the one true Church that was founded by God Himself. It is simply time to start listening to Him. He is speaking to us of what is happening. Do a word search of these messages and you see that all that we are going through was prophesied by GOD. book-of-truth-all-messages-and-prayers.pdf (mybookoftruth.com) There is a very happy …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori No. No. No. Stick with the Catholic Church the one true Church that was founded by God Himself. It is simply time to start listening to Him. He is speaking to us of what is happening. Do a word search of these messages and you see that all that we are going through was prophesied by GOD. book-of-truth-all-messages-and-prayers.pdf (mybookoftruth.com) There is a very happy ending to all of this....."The Era of Peace"..... And you are young enough such that you can expect to see it.....I am much older than you and I hope to see it.....but of course that is in God's hands....His Will be Done!!!
Also....get the Book "The Thunder of Justice by Ted & Maureen Flynn".....it gives a great overview of what has happened & what lies ahead..... as per God's communications to many authentic visionaries over mainly the 20th Century....but also earlier centuries. All of God's authentic prophecies are from within the Catholic Church. Try this powerful video also Marian Apparitions of the 20th Century (Complete 1991) - YouTube
1 Thessalonians 5:20-21 Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition 20 Despise not prophecies.

21 But prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
Legend of the fall (of neo-conservatism which coat of arms is one big BUT). Examples:
" “The [Protestant] Last Supper and the Mass are two fundamentally different, mutually exclusive forms of worship BUT let us enjoy the Novus Ordo (intended as the supper - cf. the original Bugnini definition)"
"“Modern thought [...] is more at ease with Luther’s approach than with the Catholic approach AND modern …More
Legend of the fall (of neo-conservatism which coat of arms is one big BUT). Examples:
" “The [Protestant] Last Supper and the Mass are two fundamentally different, mutually exclusive forms of worship BUT let us enjoy the Novus Ordo (intended as the supper - cf. the original Bugnini definition)"

"“Modern thought [...] is more at ease with Luther’s approach than with the Catholic approach AND modern man is the centre and summit of our efforts on earth BUT we keep the continuity with the old church.

"We note a vast collapse of the current form of preparation for priestly ministry in seminaries BUT it has nothing to do with Vatican II"

"[State intolerance] manifests itself in an increasingly authoritarian way with the aim of achieving, by a appropriate legislation, the eradication of what is essentially Christian BUT it was OK to destroy last Catholic states with the A-bomb of Dignitatis Humanae."
Sancte Teotónio
The neo-cons can be even more destructive than the progressives. They are the ones who consolidate the destruction.
@Sancte Teotónio
For me it is just a question of the rate of the decay. Progressives provide the time-lapse mode while neo-cons make it slow-motion.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I think it's wonderful that Benedict XVI's book is condemning Francis, and the state of the Church since his election, bringing up multiple catastrophes caused by Bergoglio. Too bad Benedict XVI waited until he was dead to speak....I wish he had done it when alive. He should have condemned Francis while still living. It might have caused an earthquake in the Vatican....but very possibly Francis …More
I think it's wonderful that Benedict XVI's book is condemning Francis, and the state of the Church since his election, bringing up multiple catastrophes caused by Bergoglio. Too bad Benedict XVI waited until he was dead to speak....I wish he had done it when alive. He should have condemned Francis while still living. It might have caused an earthquake in the Vatican....but very possibly Francis would have turned tail and run off to hide somewhere. He might have to do that pretty soon anyway....I hope.
Malki Tzedek
A house built upon sand cannot stand.
Wilma Lopez
No English speaking news outlets have discussed Benedict's posthumous book, and I believe we are witnessing mass media censorship.
De Profundis
E. Michael Jones: "It would have been nice if he had done something to stop this rather than resigning and writing books about things we already knew."
Wilma Lopez
John A Cassani
He may not have done enough, but he did initiate a visitation of US seminaries, which focused on rooting this out. He also gave the famous instruction not to admit those with “deep seated homosexual tendencies” to seminary formation. In his time it was mandated that all seminary spiritual directors had to be priests. But, the only way that I can see to get rid of the rot is to expose it to the …More
He may not have done enough, but he did initiate a visitation of US seminaries, which focused on rooting this out. He also gave the famous instruction not to admit those with “deep seated homosexual tendencies” to seminary formation. In his time it was mandated that all seminary spiritual directors had to be priests. But, the only way that I can see to get rid of the rot is to expose it to the light of day. He didn’t accomplish that, beyond the worst cases of abuse. The subculture was able to strategically retreat for a time, until a more favorable regime emerged.
"There will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies" 2 Peter 2:1
De Profundis
Benedict XVI addresses the “rigidity” of Traditionalism, as he reflects on the Maccabees, in the book published after his death. He goes on to address why modern reactionaries exist, pointing to post-Christian “tolerance”, manipulation and gender ideology.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
How much I wish the great Benedict XVI had had the courage to remain our Pope until his death. By leaving the Catholic Church open to the heretic wolves after his resignation, he unwittingly did the Church a great harm. It is so easy to see in the writings of Benedict, and the babble of Bergoglio and his homo appointees, who is a Catholic, and who are not.
God Bless in the joy of Heaven our Benedict …More
How much I wish the great Benedict XVI had had the courage to remain our Pope until his death. By leaving the Catholic Church open to the heretic wolves after his resignation, he unwittingly did the Church a great harm. It is so easy to see in the writings of Benedict, and the babble of Bergoglio and his homo appointees, who is a Catholic, and who are not.
God Bless in the joy of Heaven our Benedict XVI. Job well done.
God's justice and punishment to Bergoglio and his homo loving crew. I hope that crew looses its captain very soon!!