
Cardinal: German Church Is "Liberal Party" More Than Christian Reality

It was "not right" that Cardinal Marx and Presiding Bishop Bätzing accused Benedict XVI for allegedly having mishandled abuse cases when he was the Munich Archbishop, Prague Cardinal Duka, 78, told …More
It was "not right" that Cardinal Marx and Presiding Bishop Bätzing accused Benedict XVI for allegedly having mishandled abuse cases when he was the Munich Archbishop, Prague Cardinal Duka, 78, told LaNuovaBq.it (April 19).
Duka explains that “abuse is not a crime of the Church, it is a crime of people.” He has doubts about abuse reports “that go back 100 years,” and explains that a bishop is not a judge and not a policeman. Therefore homosex cases must be entrusted to the criminal justice.
While Ratzinger explains increased abuses with the moral collapse of the '68 [= Vatican II], the Germans plan is to use the same abuses to present this collapse as new moral norm, Duka says. For him, the German Synod is not a movement of the universal Church because the Germans act "as if the Church is not founded by Jesus Christ and his Apostles, but rather see it as a business or a political party.”
Accordingly, the German Synod seems “more like a liberal party than a Christian reality.”
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Tony, they aren't "heresies" because you say they are. They aren't "heresies" until The Church says they are.
Tony M
These liberal heretics have come right out in the open after March 13, 2013, knowing Bergoglio will in not stop them.
Jorgy has effectively led the way with his heresies, blasphemies & Pachamama idol worshipping for all the world to see.
What is happening in Germany is the Fruit of Bergoglio....the Francis effect.
The only ones Jorge stops are the committed, and doctrinally sound real Catholics..…More
These liberal heretics have come right out in the open after March 13, 2013, knowing Bergoglio will in not stop them.
Jorgy has effectively led the way with his heresies, blasphemies & Pachamama idol worshipping for all the world to see.
What is happening in Germany is the Fruit of Bergoglio....the Francis effect.
The only ones Jorge stops are the committed, and doctrinally sound real Catholics....the rigid ones, who are strong in the Truth!!! God bless them!!!