Why Worship God? - Apologetics Series - Episode 5 On today’s episode of the SSPX Podcast, we’ll continue our Apologetics Series by looking at religion. So Far this Podcast has attempted to show why …More
Why Worship God? - Apologetics Series - Episode 5
On today’s episode of the SSPX Podcast, we’ll continue our Apologetics Series by looking at religion. So Far this Podcast has attempted to show why Catholics consider it reasonable to hold that there is a God, and to hold that human beings are distinct from the other animals, having a rational soul. Now the question presents itself: Do human beings have any duties towards God? In other words – is some practice of Religion demanded of one who would live a Reasonable life.
You can find notes to all these episodes at sspxpodcast.com/apologetics, as well as all our previous episodes. There as well, you can find a link to help support this project. This is free to listen to, as well as all the resources we’re posting, but if you can help with a one time or a small monthly recurring donation, you’ll be making sure that we can continue this work of producing good Catholic content on a regular basis.
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Thanks, I’m watching it .