Archbishop Powers against Viganò
Tony Smith
Actually most of the post conciliar Bishops are servants of Freemasonry in their ideology and silent support of the naturalist agenda of the Freemasons.
Sean Johnson
Regarding the first paragraph, the bishop’s comment amounts to saying that “We’ve always had sacrilegious ceremonies here, therefore there’s no problem, and moreover, before you left the counterfeit conciliar church, you expressed no objections to these sacrileges. You owe me an apology for taking offense at my offense against the first commandment.”
Regarding the second paragraph, the bishop …More
Regarding the first paragraph, the bishop’s comment amounts to saying that “We’ve always had sacrilegious ceremonies here, therefore there’s no problem, and moreover, before you left the counterfeit conciliar church, you expressed no objections to these sacrileges. You owe me an apology for taking offense at my offense against the first commandment.”

Regarding the second paragraph, the bishop has the effrontery to pretend the souls of his people are more imperiled by traditional Catholicism than his shaman worshipping modernism. Yikes.