
British Labour Leader Brings Amoris Laetitia To a New Level

British Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, 68, has received Holy Communion at a funeral in London, England, reports The New Statesman.

Corbyn issued from a Socialist family with no ties to the Catholic Church. He has been married three times and divorced twice, and has three sons with his second wife. His third wife is from a Catholic background.

In an interview in December 2015, Corbyn refused to say what his religious beliefs were, saying that they were a "private thing", while denying that he was an atheist. He has said that he is 'sceptical' of having a God in his life.

Corbyn described his concerns about the environment as a sort of "spiritualism". He is an advocate for gay propaganda.

Picture: Jeremy Corbyn, © Sophie Brown, CC BY-SA, #newsNzribxpnjr