In Konstancin-Jeziorna, a red change appeared on the surface of the consecrated hostie.

A miracle in Konstancin-Jeziorna? The hostie will be examined by specialists
Arkadiusz Grochot
Thursday, October 13th 4:04 pm
In Konstancin-Jeziorna, a red change appeared on the surface of the consecrated hostie. The host will be examined by specialists to find out what caused the unusual change - said the spokesman of the Archdiocese of Warsaw, Fr. Przemysław Śliwiński.

The incident took place in the chapel of the "Dobry Zakątek" retreat house in Konstancin-Jeziorna. The consecrated host fell from the priest's hand. According to the procedure, it was placed in a liturgical vessel filled with water called vasculum to dissolve it. After some time it turned out that a red lesion appeared on the surface of the host.

Fr. Śliwiński confirmed that the described host was sent to the metropolitan curia in Warsaw and is kept there in a chapel, in a tabernacle, because regardless of the results of the research, we are dealing with a consecrated host.

Soon it will be examined by specialists in terms of finding out what caused this unusual change - said the spokesman of the Archdiocese of Warsaw.

In 10 years, 2 similar cases

He admitted that two similar cases had been reported to the Warsaw Curia in the last 10 years.

Past experiences dictate caution, discretion and silence, which in this case was unfortunately violated. The research carried out at that time ruled out the truth of the Eucharistic miracle, showing the presence of certain forms of mushrooms on both hosts tested at that time - stated Fr. Śliwiński.

According to Fr. Śliwiński, in the first place, should instruct priests to be discreet and cautious.

Propagating a certain hypothesis before explaining the phenomenon, with the use of conditional language: "if it were true", "if the miracle is confirmed" is theologically and pastoral irresponsible behavior. Let us remember that the greatest Eucharistic miracle, according to the Catholic faith, is every holy mass during which bread becomes the Body of Christ - he reserved.