Due to parish worries, S.F. church delays Archbishop Cordileone’s visit after he reveals he’s …

A Catholic church in San Francisco pushed back a visit from Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone scheduled for a Dec. 19 Mass after he recently revealed that he’s unvaccinated. Pastor and Jesuit father …More
A Catholic church in San Francisco pushed back a visit from Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone scheduled for a Dec. 19 Mass after he recently revealed that he’s unvaccinated.
Pastor and Jesuit father George Williams informed the parish of St. Agnes Catholic Church in the Haight of the decision in a church bulletin last weekend. He wrote that he had called the archbishop and asked him to reschedule his visit for a later time “because many people in the parish had expressed concern about this.” Williams did not specify a later date for a visit.
“I feel it is important that everyone feel safe, and we all do our part to prevent the spread of COVID19, especially now with the new Omicron Variant. These are stressful times enough and I felt his pastoral visit to us would be overshadowed by concerns about the pandemic,” Williams wrote in the bulletin. “I urge anyone in our parish who has not yet been vaccinated to do so. Pope Francis said, “Getting vaccinated is a simple yet profound way to care …More
"millions of Catholics at their death will have to answer to the Eternal Judge why they did nothing to stop this monster." You foremost among them, @Angelo Santelli --because you running your mouth isn't stopping anyone.
Angelo Santelli
Speaking of California,
Francis-Bergoglio's Latest Target
Is Newchurch's Contemplative Dominican Nuns'
Monastery of the Angels, in Hollywood, California
He Has Already Shut down Carmelite
And Franciscan Contemplative Communities
Bergoglio, Whose Newvatican Is Sinking into Bankruptcy
Is Said to Have His Eye on Appropriating to Himself
The Nuns' Almost Three-million USD Property
Purchased One Hundred …More
Speaking of California,

Francis-Bergoglio's Latest Target
Is Newchurch's Contemplative Dominican Nuns'
Monastery of the Angels, in Hollywood, California
He Has Already Shut down Carmelite
And Franciscan Contemplative Communities
Bergoglio, Whose Newvatican Is Sinking into Bankruptcy
Is Said to Have His Eye on Appropriating to Himself
The Nuns' Almost Three-million USD Property
Purchased One Hundred Years Ago

I simply cannot understand why no one has even attempted to shorten this morbidly obese demon's life. For failing to stop his detstruction of the Church Christ founded millions upon millions of Catholics at their death will have to answer to the Eternal Judge why they did nothing to stop this monster.
"Cordileone previously said the vaccines were “morally acceptable” and encouraged vaccination." -but he isn't vaccinated himself. Fancy that!
If the Archbishop has some wit, he'll offer a new Mass date to Pastor Williams: a week after the Third Trumpet is blown and star Wormwood falls. No sooner. Snubbing is a two-way street.More
"Cordileone previously said the vaccines were “morally acceptable” and encouraged vaccination." -but he isn't vaccinated himself. Fancy that!

If the Archbishop has some wit, he'll offer a new Mass date to Pastor Williams: a week after the Third Trumpet is blown and star Wormwood falls. No sooner. Snubbing is a two-way street.
Marcos Calzada Sandoval shares this