The Cardinal's Criteria Fall into Question

Photo ~ Feb. 2012 -- Dolan sips a cold Budweiser during a celebratory reception after his official elevation to Cardinal. (Res ipsa loquitor - ED) The Cardinal's Criteria Fall into Question Just …More
Photo ~ Feb. 2012 -- Dolan sips a cold Budweiser during a celebratory reception after his official elevation to Cardinal. (Res ipsa loquitor - ED)
The Cardinal's Criteria Fall into Question
Just yesterday, the Al Smith Dinner, which has been the focus of many efforts at American Life League in our quest to encourage Cardinal Timothy Dolan to disinvite President Barack Obama, took place with the totally pro-abortion president attending and in excellent humor—as was the cardinal.
In his defense of the invitation, the cardinal wrote in his blog, “In the end, I’m encouraged by the example of Jesus, who was blistered by his critics for dining with those some considered sinners; and by the recognition that, if I only sat down with people who agreed with me, and I with them, or with those who were saints, I’d be taking all my meals alone.”
The cardinal apparently abandoned his former rules for choosing dining companions.
I say that with all due respect because his statement takes me back a …More
Doubt if that was ever the intention! 🤗
william xucla
It is our duty[and the Cardinal's]to convert those who are not like us, in order to save them...I'm afraid I did not perceive much converting going on at that Al Smith dinner[as viewed on C-Span]...