Pope in Overdrive, Vatican in Turmoil, SSPX in Schism? The Remnant Forum's Michael Matt and Christopher Ferrara discuss Mary's doubts, Francis's humility, Germany's warring bishops and the SSPX's brand …More
Pope in Overdrive, Vatican in Turmoil, SSPX in Schism?
The Remnant Forum's Michael Matt and Christopher Ferrara discuss Mary's doubts, Francis's humility, Germany's warring bishops and the SSPX's brand-spankin' new schism.
The Pope is not wise, let's hope he is not a heretic.
God protect and bless Your Vicar. Amen.
thank you for keeping us in the right way !!
I don't believe your points that the pope is winging it. As you pointed out he said PERHAPS. That kind of communication is a kind of PUBLIC communication not just with the world but also with GOD. He's HUMBLING himself in front of us and GOD admitting he doesn't have ALL the answers and in way he's asking GOD for help with those answers. This options allows GOD to answer via another …More

I don't believe your points that the pope is winging it. As you pointed out he said PERHAPS. That kind of communication is a kind of PUBLIC communication not just with the world but also with GOD. He's HUMBLING himself in front of us and GOD admitting he doesn't have ALL the answers and in way he's asking GOD for help with those answers. This options allows GOD to answer via another person or persons here on earth. In other ways, he's trying to get GOD to tell him if there are inspired people here on earrth that should be helping him do GOD'S work. Just as GOD worked with the children of Lurdes and Fatima. For all we know GOD may want to talk to us. The POPE is trying to setup that communication. I can't beleive that GOD would stop sending us prophets and leaders (Saint Joan of Arc). If the pope doesn't seek them we'll never find them.

GOD'S Cowboy
(AKA GOD'S Cowboy)