202-05-13 Reconquest - My Children, Silence Before God A Message from Our Blessed Mother: "How can you act and fight if you do not know what you are being asked to do – and how can you know what is …More
202-05-13 Reconquest - My Children, Silence Before God
A Message from Our Blessed Mother:
"How can you act and fight if you do not know what you are being asked to do – and how can you know what is being asked, what the order is, if you are not attentive to your captain’s voice?"
"And how can you hear your captain’s voice if you do not silence your thoughts – your own voice – your criteria, your will?"
Servant Of Divine Mercy
Get away from all the noise for at least 15 to 60 minutes somewhere in isolation (even if it's in your garage, etc) and let God Almighty through His Holy Spirit (God) speak to you and say nothing, just be SILENT and God will reveal to you your sins and other things you need to know so you can STAY or GET BACK on that narrow path to Heaven!