Gloria TV News on the Feast of Blessed Mary Frances Schervier. Larceny Is Certainly “Better” Than Murder USA The Society of St. Pius X has posted a translation of the essay “Light and shadows in Light …More
Gloria TV News on the Feast of Blessed Mary Frances Schervier.

Larceny Is Certainly “Better” Than Murder


The Society of St. Pius X has posted a translation of the essay “Light and shadows in Light of the World” written by German Fr. Matthias Gaudron SSPX. Here is a passage on condoms: “The fact of the matter is, the Pope simply said that one might see a male prostitute’s use of a condom with the intention of preventing the transmission of AIDS as a first step toward his own moralization and assumption of responsibility” – Fr Gaudron states. He continues: “One might, along the same lines, say that a murderous thief’s decision to restrict his future activities to larceny, so as to cease making attempts on the lives of others, could be seen subjectively as the first step toward his moralization. Gaudron adds: “We must note that the Pope’s reference to “particular cases” provides a certain basis for such interpretations.”

Churches Turn Into Fortresses


The Iraqi government is building concrete walls up to 10 feet high around churches in Baghdad and Mosul to provide security for worshippers. Commenting the measures Chaldean Catholic Archbishop Bashar Warda of Arbil said: “While the walls and other security measures -- including police presence at church entry points -- make “you feel you are entering a military camp,” Church leaders are grateful for the increased protection.

Homosexual Vice Is Part of the Culture of Death

United States

According to research undertaken by Tradition Family Property Student Action, approximately 101 of 244 - or 41% - of Catholic colleges and universities in the US have officially recognized pro-homosexual clubs, says a statement on the group’s website. “Of the 28 Jesuit-run institutions of higher learning, 100% have pro-homosexual clubs,” the statement continues. “When Catholic students enroll at Catholic universities, their faith should be strengthened,” said TFP Student Action director John Ritchie in a statement. “But unfortunately, their faith is often weakened by the presence of pro-homosexual clubs and immoral events.” “Just like abortion, homosexual vice is part of the culture of death,” said Ritchie. “It should be opposed, not promoted.”

The Two Forms Can Coexist Peacefully


After three years of application of the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum, all bishops are required to report their experiences to the Nunciature. New Liturgical Movement has published the report of bishop Pascal N'Koué of Natitingou in Benin. He writes: At the outset I would like to say that the Extraordinary Form of Roman Rite has been introduced in my diocese in October 2003, this means, before the Motu Proprio. My conviction that these two forms can coexist peacefully and enrich each other is beyond doubt and long held. In my humble opinion, the two forms have no problem with each other. The conflicts come from our sick and intoxicated hearts or our ideologies arising from the narrowness of our minds and our formation courses which are too set in their ways.
holyrope 3
SSPX priest made alot of sense regarding the use of condoms.
Would love to see what the American bishops have written in regard to the extraordinary form of Mass in the dioceses. Of course nothing will be stated referencing their blatant refusal to implement it into their parishes.
I could here it now, "We have not had any requests for the extraordinary form but if and when we do we will be happy …More
SSPX priest made alot of sense regarding the use of condoms.

Would love to see what the American bishops have written in regard to the extraordinary form of Mass in the dioceses. Of course nothing will be stated referencing their blatant refusal to implement it into their parishes.
I could here it now, "We have not had any requests for the extraordinary form but if and when we do we will be happy to facilitate such request." The Big Lie. 😡
Holy Cannoli
With the number (homosexual friendly 'Catholic' colleges an universities) increasing from 2009's 96 to a total in 2010 of 101.
Dear Mr. John Ritchie,
How in the world will the Catholic Church ever regain the moral authority and the respectability it once held when this kind of malignancy exists within its own colleges and universities to say nothing of the Catholic In Name Only (CINO) universities …More
With the number (homosexual friendly 'Catholic' colleges an universities) increasing from 2009's 96 to a total in 2010 of 101.

Dear Mr. John Ritchie,

How in the world will the Catholic Church ever regain the moral authority and the respectability it once held when this kind of malignancy exists within its own colleges and universities to say nothing of the Catholic In Name Only (CINO) universities that either directly or indirectly support the killing of unborn babies.

Would you agree that the complacent attitude of Catholic colleges and universities is the result, not only of a morally weak faculty and administration, but also the unwillingness of the local Ordinary to speak to the issue of homosexuality and abortion repeatedly and unambiguously until those parents who are considering sending their children to these same universities and colleges reconsider that decision? If that kind of permissive attitude does exist by the Catholic bishop, my question is why don't they act like true shepherds and tend to their flock?

If you chose not to answer that question, I understand and still admire your courage to do your work without the bishop's assistance. What a strange irony within the Catholic Church that the person/s who could have the greatest impact on furthering your worthy cause (and Pope Benedict XVI address to Catholic educators) will not offer any substantive assistance.

You wrote on your web page:

Purity is the answer -- a solution that needs to be highlighted, repeated and proclaimed.

No person of faith could argue against that sentiment. However, as unspiritual as this sounds, money and the threat of its loss has been shown to have a remarkable effect in influencing the practices within the business community and I believe you are talking here about the business of education.

Pax tecum

TFP Student Action
For details, visit
How the Homosexual Movement Infiltrates Catholic Colleges and Subverts the Truth
For details, visit

How the Homosexual Movement Infiltrates Catholic Colleges and Subverts the Truth

Holy Cannoli
Larceny Is Certainly “Better” Than Murder
a murderous thief’s decision to restrict his future activities to larceny
Instead of focusing on Divine matters (which, heaven knows, we ought to look to the Church for guidance), we witness these kinds of astounding comments from spokesmen of the Catholic Church who now consider it their scope of influence to traffic in a hierarchy of vice. Is extortion …More
Larceny Is Certainly “Better” Than Murder

a murderous thief’s decision to restrict his future activities to larceny

Instead of focusing on Divine matters (which, heaven knows, we ought to look to the Church for guidance), we witness these kinds of astounding comments from spokesmen of the Catholic Church who now consider it their scope of influence to traffic in a hierarchy of vice. Is extortion better than loan-sharking? Blackmail over prostitution? Bribery
over money laundering?

Will there be additions made to the Catechism indicating which vices are to be preferred over others?

Buon giorno
