Ann Coulter vs. Fr. Albert

29 July 2011 Orlando, FL Father Alberto left the Roman Catholic Church two years ago over ideological differences and to marry the woman he loved. Cutie is now an Episcopal minister. On this program,…More
29 July 2011
Orlando, FL
Father Alberto left the Roman Catholic Church two years ago over ideological differences and to marry the woman he loved. Cutie is now an Episcopal minister. On this program, he takes Ann Coulter to task for defending the right of a child to have both a mother and a father.
Actually, Father Alberto did not LEAVE the priesthood because of ideological differences and to marry the woman that he loved.
Father Alberto was REMOVED from the priesthood because he was having an adulterous affair with a married woman. No doubt Mr.(Sorry) Father Cutie is very happy with the Episcopal Church, since it celebrates sexual license.
I sure hope this priest doesn't think he's doing these women in his audience a favor by siding with the glorification of unwed mothering. Of course, Ann Coulter was right that the very BEST way to bring up children is within a stable, married mother and father home. There really should be no argument about that. Ann also wasn't denigrating those who …More
Ann Coulter on the Father Albert Show:Ann Coulter on the Father Albert Show
Holy Cannoli
It breaks my heart every day that they are fatherless, yet they cope, as do I.
Fiat Voluntas Tua.
To put this difficult situation in a very cold secular way, one does the best they can with the cards they've been dealt.
If there is only one parent, that parent will have many more demands placed upon them and will need to face numerous serious problems alone than if they were part of a 2 parent …More
It breaks my heart every day that they are fatherless, yet they cope, as do I.

Fiat Voluntas Tua.

To put this difficult situation in a very cold secular way, one does the best they can with the cards they've been dealt.

If there is only one parent, that parent will have many more demands placed upon them and will need to face numerous serious problems alone than if they were part of a 2 parent household.

Ann is stating an indisputable fact and for that she is brutalized. I sense that the vitriol from the audience stems more from Ann's conservative credentials than it does because of her factual comments regarding this topic.

This was a set up by the producers of the show in order to generate higher ratings. Conflicts foster ratings which provides sponsorship which means more $$$.

Ann knew what she was getting into but went on anyway in order to promote her new book among conservative viewers. To do that effectively, she had to maintain her cool, which she did, while skillfully handling the “questions” from a very hostile audience.

It's a win-win. The show gets their ratings and Ann promotes the book. Cutie (traitor to the Catholic faith that he is) is simply a useful idiot.

In my view, Ann Coulter is totally correct. I am a single mother not by choice. My husband died suddenly 12 yrs. ago, when our 2 children were 4 and 7 yrs. of age. Although I have tried to be both mother and father to them, there remains a void that can never be filled. At least my kids have the comfort of knowing that their dad did not deny them or leave them on purpose.
It breaks my heart every …More
In my view, Ann Coulter is totally correct. I am a single mother not by choice. My husband died suddenly 12 yrs. ago, when our 2 children were 4 and 7 yrs. of age. Although I have tried to be both mother and father to them, there remains a void that can never be filled. At least my kids have the comfort of knowing that their dad did not deny them or leave them on purpose.
It breaks my heart every day that they are fatherless, yet they cope, as do I.
Dads are so important.
My question is WHY is this guy even being given the credibility of the title of "Father?" This could leave the less discerning catholic people very confused and leave a bad taste in the mouth of our separated brothers and sisters about what a real priest is and teaches. In my opinion this video needs closer scrutiny by the moderators of this site. Just file it as trash along with the immodest images …More
My question is WHY is this guy even being given the credibility of the title of "Father?" This could leave the less discerning catholic people very confused and leave a bad taste in the mouth of our separated brothers and sisters about what a real priest is and teaches. In my opinion this video needs closer scrutiny by the moderators of this site. Just file it as trash along with the immodest images of the "Modesty" stories. 🤦
Miss Maria
@Sign of contradiction: very nicely put. I agree that those differences are crucial as you stated. There is great harm for those children in fatherless homes, where the fathers have chosen to abandon their children. It is truly out of the mother's power at that point to do anything about their "single mother" status. Great point made.
Pax Tecum
Maria 😇More
@Sign of contradiction: very nicely put. I agree that those differences are crucial as you stated. There is great harm for those children in fatherless homes, where the fathers have chosen to abandon their children. It is truly out of the mother's power at that point to do anything about their "single mother" status. Great point made.

Pax Tecum
Maria 😇
The term "single mother" in this video does not seem to differentiate between widows, abandoned wives, and women who have deliberately sought motherhood outside of marriage. But the differences are crucial.
It often happens that a widowed or abandoned mother does her best to supply for the absence of the father of her children, sometimes heroically. But the absence of the father cannot be seen as …More
The term "single mother" in this video does not seem to differentiate between widows, abandoned wives, and women who have deliberately sought motherhood outside of marriage. But the differences are crucial.

It often happens that a widowed or abandoned mother does her best to supply for the absence of the father of her children, sometimes heroically. But the absence of the father cannot be seen as a good thing, in and of itself. Normally, children benefit from having an intact family, including one father and one mother (no more, and no less). Fathers who abandon their families cause great harm, both to their children and also to society.

Ann Coulter is entirely correct about the phenomenon of criminals coming overwhelmingly from "fatherless" families. The ex-Catholic/ex-priest and his audience seem to be too angry and too "defensive" to consider the topic rationally.
holyrope 3
Ann Coulter is definitely correct. History has proven that a father & a mother is best for the raising and well being of a child. The hysterical audience members raised by single parents attest to reality that a father & a mother, a 2 parent home is best for resulting in a stable child into a stable adult.
holyrope 3
Children NEED a FATHER and a MOTHER! 🙏