
Argentina: Former Priest, Homosex Activist "Leaves" Church

Andres Gioeni, 49, a former Argentinean priest who re-invented himself years ago as homosex activist, "left" the Church formally on March 17, APNews.com gloated.

Gioeni took the Vatican’s March 15 reaffirmation that homosex liaisons cannot be "blessed" as an occasion for his decision. He recounts the usual story that he was "homophobic," "betrayed" other seminarians, looked for homosexual contacts, and finally told his bishop that he needs to go.

In 2003 he posed naked on the cover of a homosex magazine. Despite everything, the Church kept supporting him, even offering him free accommodation that he could face his "crisis of faith." Had he been a simple priest who, for instances, in conscience refuses to give out Communion in the hand, he would never have encountered so much mercy.

However, Gioeni started working as a waiter and living with a bloke. He still “believes in God" although the same God states in the Bible that he will punish all unrepentant homosexual acts.


beth alice arrow
poor soul
The good news is this false priest has, to all intents and purposes, laicized himself. Would that his like-minded colleagues in the clergy did the the same.
J G Tasan
Yeah; why not!
J G Tasan
🥴 🤒 🤕 🥵
And; he got a devilish tattoo, too!
From the look of it, it's a bad "cover-up" tattoo (of what is anyone's guess) blended into an earlier design.