
Prominent Jesuit Suggests Following Unjust Laws

Jesuit Father Pat Conroy, until January 3 the U.S. House chaplain, told WashingtonPost.com that mothers in the US have the "constitutional right" to kill their unborn babies. Therefore, a "good Catholic …More
Jesuit Father Pat Conroy, until January 3 the U.S. House chaplain, told WashingtonPost.com that mothers in the US have the "constitutional right" to kill their unborn babies.
Therefore, a "good Catholic" could say that "our task as Catholics, is to make it possible for her to optimise her ability to make the choice." Conroy added the sophism that “a pro-choice Democrat isn’t a pro-abortion person."
He called abortion a “tragedy” only to insist that an abortion-mother "is the one to make her choice; we should not make it for her.” It's baffling why Conroy calls the life of a child "a choice."
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Pat Conroy~, your Jesuit senior Teilhard de Chardin is in Hell ?
Hound of Heaven
Pathetic - the antithesis of St Ignatius Loyola's spiritually edifying objective. More like Dis-Loyola.
Disgusting. Woe to him.
3rd Order Postulant
Unlike Jesus, this man draws no line in the sand.
No SJ; should be SB.
He should probably be installed in the Society of Brandon.More
Unlike Jesus, this man draws no line in the sand.
No SJ; should be SB.

He should probably be installed in the Society of Brandon.
Janusz C
This poor guy forgot that when he will die he will b judged by GOD Himself and not by USCCB bishops
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Him being a Jesuits is answer for everything.
chris griffin
This priest is advocating for baby murder which is infallibly condemned by Evangelium Vitae. In fact, the condemnation of abortion has the same authority as the founding of the Church and all the Marian dogmas. But no Pope or Bishop cares enough to censure or punish him.
All four million unborn babies alive in America today are subject to being murdered tomorrow, legally and unstoppably on the whim …More
This priest is advocating for baby murder which is infallibly condemned by Evangelium Vitae. In fact, the condemnation of abortion has the same authority as the founding of the Church and all the Marian dogmas. But no Pope or Bishop cares enough to censure or punish him.

All four million unborn babies alive in America today are subject to being murdered tomorrow, legally and unstoppably on the whim of their mothers.

Human reason and Divine Revelation confirm that killing children in the womb is a most heinous, wicked, and bloodthirsty act, which the State is strictly bound to forbid and to prevent. His Holiness Pope Leo XIII

He who is not angry when there is just cause for anger is immoral. Why? Because anger looks to the good of justice. And if you can live amid injustice without anger, you are immoral as well as unjust. St. Thomas Aquinas

You shall not afflict any widow or fatherless child. If you afflict them in any way and they cry at all to me, I will surely hear their cry and my wrath will become hot, and I will kill you with the sword. Exod 22:22-24
Angelo Santelli
Someone should put the pseudo priest Conroy out of his misery-- which probably means end his life.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
He'll meet God soon enough, just like his Jesuit boss Francis...who will meet the Lord even sooner. This priest may have time to repent/reconcile, but with Francis? I think he's nearly at the end very soon, within months....and too evil-hearted to change. You can see it in his face.
I don't see YOU doing anything about it, @Angelo Santelli You're always running your keyboard about how "somebody" should kill this clergy or that. But YOU do nothing. Just what "somebody" can expect from a little man with a big mouth.
Your parents really failed right from the get-go. "Angelo"... you... what a joke.More
I don't see YOU doing anything about it, @Angelo Santelli You're always running your keyboard about how "somebody" should kill this clergy or that. But YOU do nothing. Just what "somebody" can expect from a little man with a big mouth.

Your parents really failed right from the get-go. "Angelo"... you... what a joke.