Woman Leaves Fortune to Church

Woman Leaves Fortune to Church A 92-year-old unmarried woman has donated 1.1 billion won (US$935,000) to the Church. Columba Lee Jeom-hong told Cardinal Nicholas Cheong Jin-suk at his office on September …More
Woman Leaves Fortune to Church
A 92-year-old unmarried woman has donated 1.1 billion won (US$935,000) to the Church.
Columba Lee Jeom-hong told Cardinal Nicholas Cheong Jin-suk at his office on September 23 the money was earned cleanly with her own hands and feet, in order to offer it to God.
“I lived without greed, and without waste of a penny,” she said of her simple life.
Cardinal Cheong thanked her and said “God will pay you back for the good deeds.”
In 1995 she donated an expensive piece of land in Seoul on which now the Labor Pastoral Center of Seoul archdiocese is located. In 2005 she donated her own house to the archdiocese.
Holy Cannoli
The story is brief and doesn't say if she had any family. Were there any instructions included with the donation? Were there any other worthwhile charities that could have benefited from part of this gift?
One thing is certain. If an American left such a substantial gift to the USCCB at the expense of other very worthwhile charity, it would be an extremely wasteful and foolish thing to do.
The story is brief and doesn't say if she had any family. Were there any instructions included with the donation? Were there any other worthwhile charities that could have benefited from part of this gift?


One thing is certain. If an American left such a substantial gift to the USCCB at the expense of other very worthwhile charity, it would be an extremely wasteful and foolish thing to do.
