Cardinal Wuerl's Open Scandal

Cardinal Wuerl's Open Scandal Last week Cardinal Donald Wuerl lodged a complaint against me with my editors at TAS (The American Spectator), via his communications director, Chieko Noguchi, after my …More
Cardinal Wuerl's Open Scandal
Last week Cardinal Donald Wuerl lodged a complaint against me with my editors at TAS (The American Spectator), via his communications director, Chieko Noguchi, after my article, "Cardinal Wuerl's Dereliction of Duty," appeared.
This is pretty much what I expected. Wuerl is notoriously thin-skinned about sharp criticism from orthodox Catholics. And since he likes to operate in the shadows -- confrontation is "not his style of pastoral ministry," he told a reporter in 2007 -- he had his paid PR agent do the dirty work for him.
This moronic controversy, triggered by a self-described practicing "lesbian Buddhist" who effortlessly mau-maued Cardinal Wuerl into a craven apology and trumped-up "administrative leave" order to Fr. Marcel Guarnizo, is a grotesque farce beyond the satirical imagination of Evelyn Waugh.
This scandal is sickening. Cardinal Wuerl has damaged the reputation of a faithful priest, exposed the Holy Eucharist to sacrilege, scandalized confused …More
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