Cardinal Wuerl's Continuing Crisis

Cardinal Wuerl's Continuing Crisis ... I welcome Cardinal Wuerl's criticism. I invite him to write a formal letter of complaint, and I urge TAS to publish it in full. Moreover, TAS [The American …More
Cardinal Wuerl's Continuing Crisis
... I welcome Cardinal Wuerl's criticism.
I invite him to write a formal letter of complaint, and I urge TAS to publish it in full.
Moreover, TAS [The American Spectator] offers readers a comment box in which readers can launch limitless attacks upon my pieces.
Cardinal Wuerl's silence is deafening. He still hasn't commented directly on his baldly unjust "administrative leave" order to
Fr. Marcel Guarnizo
Nor has he explained to the faithful why Barbara Johnson, the self-described practicing lesbian and Buddhist to whom Fr. Guarnizo properly denied Communion, enjoys a canonical right to the sacred species.
...Ed Peters suggests that I am guilty of canonical offenses for criticizing Cardinal Wuerl. I mentioned this to another canon lawyer. He laughed openly, dismissing the charge as clericalist bluster. The faithful have not only a right but a duty to resist heterodox bishops. Without that resistance clericalism runs amok and the integrity of the …More
I am from Pittsburgh Pennsylvania where Cardinal Wuerl was known as Bishop Wuerl for many many years. I feel very very unimpressed at his sature on this issue. I feel that his actions of capitulating to the negatative criticism regarding this woman actions compromised the action of the USCCB in regards to the contraception mandate. He has successfully made it impossible for the bishops to ex-…More
I am from Pittsburgh Pennsylvania where Cardinal Wuerl was known as Bishop Wuerl for many many years. I feel very very unimpressed at his sature on this issue. I feel that his actions of capitulating to the negatative criticism regarding this woman actions compromised the action of the USCCB in regards to the contraception mandate. He has successfully made it impossible for the bishops to ex-communicate anyone and now. Not having let the basic practice of the Priest, knowing someone to be out of the line with the Church, to Deny an individual who is definately NOT CATHOLIC to recieve the Body of Christ be ex-communication stand. He made the Bishops looks very very weak and muddled, since he is one of its leading members and committed this action.
I sometimes wonder why liberal priests can rant in favor of secular ideations without censorship from their bishops. I'm not certain if bishops have an obligation to explain their actions to the laity or not, but I would certainly find it encouraging from time to time.
Bless you dear Gregory for you astute message, may the Lord fill you with His glorious love as we approuch Easter. God be with you as we celebrate His Great Sacrifice.
Soundingjo 😇
Fellow brothers and sisters in Christ : it is obvious that the Beast that spread it's darkness all over E.U. is raising it's ugly head reaching the shores of country of the North. Consider reporting not so long ago the words of The Holy Father Benedict XVI ,who stated "if the pope is unable to fulfill his duties he should resign from his office" - I had the feeling he was not referring to his state …More
Fellow brothers and sisters in Christ : it is obvious that the Beast that spread it's darkness all over E.U. is raising it's ugly head reaching the shores of country of the North. Consider reporting not so long ago the words of The Holy Father Benedict XVI ,who stated "if the pope is unable to fulfill his duties he should resign from his office" - I had the feeling he was not referring to his state of health,but rather his freedom to excersize his authority as a Roman Pontiff and we all stood behind him and prayed for him. Let me remind you again that it was the Cardinal Wuerl,who launched the appeal for Lay evangelisation. Those are " the times ,when Wisdom will nowhere to be found" Christ was talking about. Consider the statement to one of the Bishops :" Thanks to your laws we will conquer you. Thanks to our religious laws we will enslave you." The secular powers trying to prevent it,insisting on "political correctness" are actually paving a wide road for the Antichrist.Just earlier today I had noticed on Catholic match one of the prez. men bragging about his "not religious,but secular spirituality;being catechist, a lector and adviser to clergy.You guessed it right : I reminded him about the good old times,when the priests were teaching catechism,reading The Word and explaining it in sermons.I explained to him that it is The Holy Spirit that is The Counselor,The Advocate ,The Helper. I had noticed a secular,media ( as everyone knows dominated by secular older brothers in faith and rainbow alliance) campaign to undermine Christianity.Our constitutional freedoms,basic human rights are being taken away,the hierarchy is powerless,their pastoral guidance disregarded under the quise of " seperation of state and religion",thus resulting in lack of religious freedom. Let us not remain silent, but support OUR SPIRITUAL LEADERS in our prayers and defending our Christian faith openly,giving testimony to The Living Word,as Cardinal Wuerl called us to do.
Gloria.TV – News Briefs
I'm a member of Cardinal Wuerl's flock. The more I know about him, the less impressed I am. I think the archdiocese's handling of this matter of the lesbian Buddhist refused Communion is nothing short of despicable. I fail to see why a priest should be expected to abet a sacrilege, as the Fr. Guarnizo in this case would have had to do were he to distribute Communion to Ms. Johnson. I have …More

I'm a member of Cardinal Wuerl's flock. The more I know about him, the less impressed I am. I think the archdiocese's handling of this matter of the lesbian Buddhist refused Communion is nothing short of despicable. I fail to see why a priest should be expected to abet a sacrilege, as the Fr. Guarnizo in this case would have had to do were he to distribute Communion to Ms. Johnson. I have not seen any mention of this affair in The Catholic Standard with the exception of a single article from February 29 containing the following:

"This is the statement issued by the archdiocese on February 27:

"In matters of faith and morals, the Church has the responsibility of teaching and of bringing the light of the Gospel message to the circumstances of our day. When questions arise about whether or not individuals should present themselves for Communion, it is not the policy of the Archdiocese of Washington to publicly reprimand the person. Any issues regarding the suitability of an individual to receive Communion should be addressed by the priest with that person in a private, pastoral setting.

"The archdiocese is looking into the incident at a funeral Mass that was celebrated by Father Marcel Guarnizo and will handle this as a personnel issue."

Where, as here, the fact of the woman's unfitness to receive the Eucharist was disclosed directly to the priest, and disclosed immediately before the Mass, Fr. Guarnizo had no option but to deny her Communion. I think the Archdiocese owes its faithful a full explanation of the treatment of Fr. Guarnizo. Sadly, I doubt one will be forthcoming.

Technically, Fr Guarnizo may have been right, but perhaps he didn’t handle it as well as he could have. As I said, it was a set up, and nothing he did would have been “right.”

Wuerl should never have criticized him this way. Give him the benefit of the doubt, have a meeting, be a “father to his priests,” which is what bishops are supposed to do. Figure out a policy, such as a way in which any priest could respond to a challenge like this, because believe me, this is not going to be the last time it will happen. They smell blood in the water.

Wuerl strikes me as somebody too busy adjusting his cufflinks so he can look good at the next White House do he gets invited to...He was always a big Dem, and deep in his heart, he’s an Episcopalian. A lot of them look really great, but all they believe in is the Easter Bunny and Barak Obama.
Gloria.TV – News Briefs
One more comment from Gloria.TV – News Briefs
Gloria.TV – News Briefs
It amazes me that a clericalist culture of toadying and flattery still exists in American Church circles, given the scandals into which the bishops have routinely plunged the faithful. I have no desire to participate in this worldly game of ring-kissing in which the Cardinal Wuerls wallow. They enjoy the trappings of their office without actually exercising it for the good of souls. They demand 13th …More
It amazes me that a clericalist culture of toadying and flattery still exists in American Church circles, given the scandals into which the bishops have routinely plunged the faithful. I have no desire to participate in this worldly game of ring-kissing in which the Cardinal Wuerls wallow. They enjoy the trappings of their office without actually exercising it for the good of souls. They demand 13th-century obedience while behaving like 21st-century flakes who play church in costume and staff.