This is an excellent (short) video for anyone who cares to understand the problem of systemic racism in the United States of America.

VeggieTales creator Phil Vischer clearly explains systemic racism, mostly for a white audience seeking …

Watch this Edit VeggieTales creator Phil Vischer clearly explains systemic racism, mostly for a white …
Dr Bobus
Dr Thomas Sowell says that poverty programs have made life worse for Blacks.More

Dr Thomas Sowell says that poverty programs have made life worse for Blacks.
Alex A
It appears to me to be more a problem of 'mind set', culture if you will, as eloquently articulated by the likes of Dr. Ben Carson, Denzel Washington, Morgan Freeman, Candace Owens etc. Program anybody to be a 'loser' and chances are it will materialize so. Dems are good at this type of programming. Encourage one to breakout of this anti-christian mind-set would be more beneficial to the 'victims'…More
It appears to me to be more a problem of 'mind set', culture if you will, as eloquently articulated by the likes of Dr. Ben Carson, Denzel Washington, Morgan Freeman, Candace Owens etc. Program anybody to be a 'loser' and chances are it will materialize so. Dems are good at this type of programming. Encourage one to breakout of this anti-christian mind-set would be more beneficial to the 'victims' than programming them [regardless of intention] to believe even more in their victimhood. p.s. Love the movie-"Gifted Hands"- of Dr. Ben Carson's life.
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would somebody explain the Cuban, Vietnamese, Chinese, Japanese, Indonesian, Jewish success stories? Me thinks this is a matter of culture...... $44,000,000,000 has been spent on this 'problem,' affirmative action out the wazoo, total medial support (and excuse making sometimes)............... the real problem is the breakdown of the black family structure.
Go back Mr Veggie Tales and review what …More
would somebody explain the Cuban, Vietnamese, Chinese, Japanese, Indonesian, Jewish success stories? Me thinks this is a matter of culture...... $44,000,000,000 has been spent on this 'problem,' affirmative action out the wazoo, total medial support (and excuse making sometimes)............... the real problem is the breakdown of the black family structure.

Go back Mr Veggie Tales and review what Senator Monihan (Democrat - NY) said "There is one unmistakable lesson in American history; a community that allows a large number of young men to grow up in broken families, dominated by women, never acquiring any stable relationship to male authority, never acquiring any set of rational expectations about the future - that community asks for and gets chaos."
If we had a Democrat in charge in the US it would all be lollipops and rainbows, or rather, there wouldn't be cities being burned to the ground. This is about Trump and hatred of the American people who still believe in the country as founded.
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Well said, laurelmarycecilia.
Dr Bobus
I listened to it.
He says things like it is of greater advantage for a household to have a greater income. Is that news?
He also insists that:
--racial discrimination is illegal. Not really. Certain types of racial discrimination are illegal, e.g., in matters of employment or housing.
--where people live is a matter of policy. Wrong. Where people live is a matter of economics.
--the quality of …More
I listened to it.

He says things like it is of greater advantage for a household to have a greater income. Is that news?

He also insists that:
--racial discrimination is illegal. Not really. Certain types of racial discrimination are illegal, e.g., in matters of employment or housing.
--where people live is a matter of policy. Wrong. Where people live is a matter of economics.
--the quality of schools is determined by economics. Although it is true that the most affluent areas tend to have the best schools, educated people usually live in those areas. Further, in the mid 80's the Kansas City School District (mostly black) received from the government 1 billion dollars. The district had the highest dollar to student ratio of any school district in the US, but there was no improvement in test scores.

The problem in the black community is cultural. Young blacks know who Michael Jordan is but don't have a clue who Ben Carson is (a world famous black neurosurgeon raised by an illiterate single mother in the Detroit ghetto). BTW, he preferred to listen to Bach during surgery.

When I was doing consulting work in computers in the DC area in the mid 80s, most of the hotel domestics and those working in fast food restaurants were Asian--my guess was Vietnamese. I thought at the time that their children would become professionals. It appears they did.

There is currently a law suit against Harvard because the university now has a quota of Asian admissions-like the Jewish quota many years ago. There is also a law suit in New York by Blacks because they cannot get into the charter schools. Asians have done better on admission tests.

Education is the key. In 1978 I was working with a Black guy who became a good friend. He had done a few years in the Air Force and was finishing his business degree. I told him he was in good shape professionally. His told me that his academic advisor pointed out that he is a programmer with a business degree--and he's Black. He's got it made.

Africans were primitive people when they were brought to North America, and they were never able to develop a culture in which education was relevant. I know from experience that businesses look for qualified Blacks, but they're hard to find.

IMHO, there is more hostility to Catholicism in the US than there is to Black success.
Among the good points he clarified are blocks to home ownership, incarceration rates, job availability and education outcomes.
Yeah, it's rubbish. Systemic racism is part of Marxist theory and postmodern politics. It has its roots in German and French critical theory. It is about deconstructing language, ideas, and norms. It is about the Will of power, not Judeo Christian and English Common Law. It is a foreign import.