An Uruguayan Bishop Calls Homosexual [Pseudo] Blessing a Carnival Show for the Rich

The recent [pseudo] blessing of the two homosexual concubines Carlos Perciavalle and Jimmy Castilhos in Maldonado, Uruguay, ordered by the Apostolic Nuncio [= Francis], was a "carnival show" and a scandal - writes Monsignor Bishop Alberto Sanguinetti Montero, the former Bishop of Canelones, Uruguay, on (29 February).

Monsignor Sanguinetti describes the event as an "almost theatrical blessing of two men sitting next to each other".

He pointed out that although Francis' homosexual propaganda piece "Fiducia Supplicans" theoretically deals with "spontaneous blessings" in an informal and casual way, it was "foreseeable" that it would lead to such incidents.

The [pseudo] blessing in Maldonado was "show business" for "the rich and famous" with wide media coverage, Sanguinetti writes.

"The fiction of 'privacy' could not have been greater. The event was proclaimed in the press. The figures are more than well known. The blessings themselves, with few people around, took place in front of journalists and photographers, who had the mission of proclaiming them 'urbi et orbi'."

However, the Catholic faith doesn't recognise a homosexual concubinage because "it goes against reason, against the word of God and against the whole reality of the human being". And: "Catholics should in no way support its existence".

Monsignor Sanguinetti recalls that two days earlier the two concubines had given their consent to a civil homosexual concubinage: "It was in this context that the blessing was given. A feast was also prepared for several hundred people".

The bishop adds the truism that practiced homosexuality is "gravely evil in its nature" and offends God.

However, the message of the [pseudo] blessing was to "go ahead" with civil homosexual "marriage" and homosexual sins.

Picture: Alberto Sanguinetti Montero,, #newsNedhxtdfnk

English Catholic
I'd love to see a comprehensive list of all the Cardinals, Bishops, Priests and Religious who have publicly rejected and/or refused to implement Fiducia Supplicans. Has anyone been keeping count? If anyone is aware of such a list, please post it!
Tomito Barnin Railin
I can do it, my friend!
English Catholic
God bless you @Tomito Barnin Railin You will be doing a great service for the Church.