
Strange Episcopal Resignation

Pope Francis accepted the resignation of Ciudad Rodrigo Bishop Raúl Berzosa, 61, Spain. In June the prelate was granted a six months leave of absence “for personal motives”. Now he resigned after a …More
Pope Francis accepted the resignation of Ciudad Rodrigo Bishop Raúl Berzosa, 61, Spain.
In June the prelate was granted a six months leave of absence “for personal motives”. Now he resigned after a "period of reflection and spiritual renewal.”
Berzosa’s resignation was accepted “simpliciter”, a Latin formula that exempts a renunciation from being explained and respects its privacy.
Berzosa was appointed to Ciudad Rodrigo in 2011. He is a member of the Pontifical Council for Culture and a brother of Mother Verónica Berzosa, the founder of the successful Iesu Communio Sisters.
At the same time, former Burgos Archbishop Francisco Gil Hellín, 78, left his function as apostolic administrator of Ciudad Rodrigo “for pastoral reasons.”
Picture: Cecilio Raúl Berzosa Martínez, © Conferencia Episcopal Española, CC BY-SA, #newsMluigysvtj
.. everyone in the Hierarchy of the Catholic Church should have a "period of reflection and spiritual renewal" in silence, alone in a cabin or grotto somewhere and fasting, according to the example of our Lord Jesus .. instead of going on a public beach somewhere and playing the tourist ... then maybe it will guide them to a more deep spiritual life ...