Beyond the Manipulated Interview: Francis' Unanswered Questions

George Weigel, biographer and admirer of John Paul II [who made Bergoglio and McCarrick cardinals on the same day] and neoconservative warmonger, published a list of questions (, 20 May) that Ms O'Donnell ("60 Minutes") should have asked Francis in her recent softball interview. Examples.

- Do you ever break bread with those with whom you might disagree, or seek input from outside your bubble?

- You say the ordination of women is not possible, while Cardinal Hollerich says these are "open questions" to be discussed at Synod-2024. Have you reprimanded Cardinal Hollerich?

- Have you ever thought of correcting the idea that Catholic teaching on morality and ecclesiology is not a matter of politics but of revealed truth?

- Why was Father Rupnik never punished for his fornication with nuns?

- Do you think anyone is interested in a Church that is unsure of what it should believe?

- Why have you deposed bishops without due canonical process?

- Why have you hurt those who attend the Roman Mass?

- Have you seen the widely circulated meme of you blessing a bicycle and saying, "I am not blessing a bicycle, I am blessing two separate wheels"?

- Are there moral norms for which there are no "exceptions", as John Paul II taught?

- If casuistry is an acceptable method of moral reasoning, how does it apply to murder, rape, torture, child abuse, mutilation, slavery, racism and genocide?

- Vocations to the priesthood have declined in many countries during your pontificate. Do you think this has anything to do with your regular criticism of priests and seminarians?


Additional pertinent questions:
Do you believe, as infallibly taught by the Church, that active, practicing, unrepentant sodomites, who live and die in that state of mortal sin, will be condemned to an eternity in hell?
2. Do you believe active, practicing, unrepentant sodomites are qualified for the Priesthood and should be allowed to serve actively as Priests? And should they be elevated as …More
Additional pertinent questions:
Do you believe, as infallibly taught by the Church, that active, practicing, unrepentant sodomites, who live and die in that state of mortal sin, will be condemned to an eternity in hell?

2. Do you believe active, practicing, unrepentant sodomites are qualified for the Priesthood and should be allowed to serve actively as Priests? And should they be elevated as Bishops and Cardinals of Holy Mother Church, serving in high ecclesiastical and sacred office?

3. Should active, practicing, unrepentant sodomites who are known to be currently serving actively as Priests, Bishops and Cardinals and in other high ecclesiastical and sacred roles, be allowed to continue as such; or should they be removed from such Priestly and sacred offices?

4. Should active, practicing, unrepentant sodomites and lesbians be allowed to continue actively in religious life and leadership roles within the Church; or should they be removed from such?
Denis Efimov
I suggest a few more questions:
Why do you reject the Catholic Faith?
Do you regret leaving the Catholic Church?
Why do you hate Catholics?
What intensity do you think your punishment in hell will be?