Well, Ohio is the 7th State to Constitutionally enshrine the right to murder unborn children. Expect the other 43 States to follow. Even in the Redest of States, there is little chance of defeating a …More
Well, Ohio is the 7th State to Constitutionally enshrine the right to murder unborn children. Expect the other 43 States to follow. Even in the Redest of States, there is little chance of defeating a "simple majority" with the current legal scope of eligible voters. It is going to become very clear, very soon, why the Founding Fathers generally limited eligible voting to property owning men. There is little hope for MAGA without peeling back voting rights.
True Mass
The blood of the unborn. Truly we will be a remnant church.
Louis IX
I live in (probably) the furthest left neighborhood in the state and I’ve never seen such a close count in lawn signs. About 65-35 in favor as opposed to the usual 95-5 for whatever leftist candidate is on the ballot. This result is surprising to say the least. My guess is the marijuana initiative brought out the usual class of voter committed to pleasure and self indulgence.
Dream on. Signs are no indication of anything. Without a miracle, women and effeminate men will vote to enshrine abortion in most, if not all, fifty States.
Louis IX
They’ve been a pretty good predictor in the past and I am no spring chicken. I thought even leftists couldn’t stomach what was proposed. Of course a serious nation under God would never even consider putting such crimes to the will of voters. As if democracy can determine what is right or wrong. Our current modern world does not deserve to go on.