De Profundis
Sire added on twitter "Since my necessarily brief remark on last night's webcast on Mgr Lefebvre has generated so much commentary, I should expand a bit: I by no means suggested that Archbishop Lefebvre tried to create a breakaway Church: I said that that is what WE should avoid doing now."
On his feast day, Saint Michael descends into Purgatory and returns to Heaven with many souls, especially those who have been devotees to him during their lives ;
Every day is my party, laugh Antichrist, and every day we flirt.
Montfort AJPM
Le jour de sa fête, saint Michel descend dans le Purgatoire et retourne au Ciel avec beaucoup d'âmes, surtout de celles qui lui ont été dévotes pendant leur vie ;
Tous les jours c’est ma fête, rigole Antéchrist, et tous les jours on flirte.