
Dangerous Words: “In Present Confusion Stick To Tradition” - Benedict XVI

Benedict XVI congratulated Dom Louis Blancon, 35, in January 2022 to his election as Abbot of Notre-Dame de Triors Monastery, Drôme, France.

Triors was founded by the Roman Rite Benedictine Fontgombault Monastery. Benedict's address was published on LaNef.net (December 1). The monastery has 43 monks. Blancon was elected in November 2021.

Benedict XVI expresses his understanding that Blancon is “somewhat apprehensive about the big task” that awaits him because of his young age, “especially since I myself have had a similar experience.” Ratzinger was appointed Munich Archbishop at the age of 49.

For Benedict, it is essential “not to carry out a personal project” [as Francis does] but to be a servant of unity, “In the present confusion, it is important that we do not defend just any theory, but that we simply live in the faith of the Church, according to the tradition conveyed in her Creed and in the Rule of St. Benedict.”

On a sentimental note, “Our great Church today is in real need of dew of consolation.” If Blancon obeys Benedict's words, he will soon be removed by Francis.


Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I always hope that Benedict XVI somehow lives long enough to be told that Francis is dead. Not likely, but would'nt be ironic that despite his age and frail body, Benedict XVI is somehow able to be present at Francis' funeral. That would be ironic.
Benedict XVI is still Pope. And I wish he would speak out very strongly in support of Summorum Pontificum, and the Roman Mass. So much so that it ruins …More
I always hope that Benedict XVI somehow lives long enough to be told that Francis is dead. Not likely, but would'nt be ironic that despite his age and frail body, Benedict XVI is somehow able to be present at Francis' funeral. That would be ironic.
Benedict XVI is still Pope. And I wish he would speak out very strongly in support of Summorum Pontificum, and the Roman Mass. So much so that it ruins all Francis' edicts against it. And Francis would not dare go against Benedict. Francis is already much hated in Italy and much of the Catholic world. To do that, would cause a tremndous backlash against hom, his associates, and his "synodal Church)
When I see these latest photos I just pray that he repents of his heresies while there is still time.
Croí Láidir
@lancs1 Agreed. We must pray for the conversion, repentance, mercy and the salvation of Pope Benedict XVI and Francis.
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
Our Lady of Good Success of the Purification, pray for us!
Malki Tzedek
In other words, stick to 'the Truth'.
Jeffrey Ade
@Just me So true, that is why Our Lady of Fatima is the "Lightning Rod!" for dispelling this diabolical darkness of souls! If we but, to our best ability, follow her requests, then viola! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!