
Francis' Worshipper Loses It - Brands Cardinal Müller a Fascist

Francis biographer Austen Ivereigh disqualified himself by branding Cardinal Gerhard Müller on Twitter (May 29) as fascist. Müller had told Corriere.it (May 28) that Pope Francis should talk to all …More
Francis biographer Austen Ivereigh disqualified himself by branding Cardinal Gerhard Müller on Twitter (May 29) as fascist.
Müller had told Corriere.it (May 28) that Pope Francis should talk to all politicians, Matteo Salvini, the Catholic winner of the EU elections in Italy included.
This prompted Ivereigh to write, “Müller pines for Il Duce,” referring to Benito Mussolini, the Duce of Italian Fascism until his killing in 1945.
Ivereigh's statement reaped commentaries like: "Ivereigh, a new low even for you" or "Foolish tweet. Is anyone surprised anymore?"
A sarcastic Cardinal Wilfried Napier would have expected from Ivereigh another conclusion (Twitter, May 29),
“I would have thought the upsurge of vote for the [pro-gay, pro-abortion] Greens etc, would be taken as evidence that Pope Francis and Laudato Si are being affirmed.”
The losing side always resorts to name calling!
Dr Bobus
Typical of those like Ivereigh. All theology is reduced to sociology/politics and personal insults.
mr. producer
That's because politics is their religion.